You Can Handle Them All! Behavior Online Training
Teachers need to understand the purpose of various types of student misbehavior in order to be effective with all students.
These video courses will not only provide teachers with a firm understanding of student behavior, but also with the strategic positions and actions necessary to manage behavior effectively.
Each course includes a posttest at the end that is automatically graded, as well as transcripts and course certificates that teachers can access to document their training.
Call 800.669.9633 for site license pricing or schedule a demo.
Course List
B 100
How Student Needs and Teacher Attitudes Influence Behavior
- Every Behavior Situation Has Three Variables
- The Seven Primary Needs
- The Eight Secondary Needs
- The Four Primary Causes of Misbehavior
B 112
Your Strategic Actions: Techniques for Success
- The First Decision Before You Act
- Your Most Effective Tool: The Private Conference
- You Must Get Both Viewpoints
- Always Separate Attitude and Behavior
- Counseling Students About Attitudes
B 102
Your Strategic Attitude: The Laws and Principles of Behavior Management
- The Importance of Strategic Attitude
- The Law of Origin
- The Law of Total Responsibility
- The Law of Ever-Present Leadership
- The Law of Positive Reinforcement
- The Law of Filtered Information
B 114
Your Strategic Actions: Keeping Problems From Escalating
- Never Ask Why ... Ask What
- The People Priorities
- Keeping the Responsibility for Misbehavior with the Student
- Discuss the Real Issues Without Doing Damage
- Confront With Caring
B 104
Your Strategic Attitude: Additional Principles for Managing Behavior Effectively
- The Principle of Management Adjustment
- Sharing vs. Imposing Truth
- The Theory of Right or Wrong Conflict
- You Don't Have to Understand Students to Accept Them
- Behavior Management Can't Be Legislated From the Office
- You Can't Have Rules for Everything
- The Kids Who Need Us the Most
B 116
Your Strategic Actions: Keeping Communication Open
- Two Vital Forms of Communication
- Techniques for Listening
- Keys to Effective Listening
- Sharing the Responsibility With Parents
B 106
Your Strategic Position: Setting Yourself Up for Success
- Positioning Yourself to Strategically Handle Behavior
- Behavior Management Is a Positive Thing
- The Five Relationships of Students
B 118
Your Strategic Actions: Maintaining Relationships With Students
- Ownership Is a Key to Changing Behavior
- Don't Talk Past the Point of Being Influential
- The Effective Art of Seed Planting
- The Damaging Actions: The Put-Down, the Put-On, and the Put-Off
- Handling Alibis, Objections, and Complaints
- Sympathy and Empathy
B 108
Your Strategic Position: Mistakes to Avoid
- Proctor's Spiral of Futility
- Tact Rather Than Attack
- You Can't Take It Back
- Don't Back Yourself Against the Wall
B 120
Your Strategic Actions: Helping Students Heal and Grow
- The Benefit of the Doubt
- Changing Student Habits
- When Guilt Has Been Established
- Taking Kids Off the Hook
- Every Rule Has Exceptions
- Being a Healer
- Buying Time: A Valuable Contribution
- Broad Generalizations About Behavior
B 110
Your Strategic Position: Vital Understandings
- Due Process: A Requirement for Fairness
- Absolutely Refuse to Reject
- There's No Place for Sarcasm
- Caring Is Not Coddling
- Remember: You May Be Starting the Fight
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