English Language Learners Online Training
Explore 20 comprehensive online courses covering fundamental concepts and teaching strategies for general education teachers supporting emergent bilinguals in the classroom. Lesson plans, practice activities, and graphic organizers are included.
Each course is developed in alignment with TESOL and WIDA Pre-K-12 standards for English language development. Ideal for educators preparing for the English to Speakers of Other Languages Praxis exam.
Each course includes an automatically graded posttest, along with transcripts and course certificates that can be easily accessed to track and document training.
Call 800.669.9633 for site license pricing or schedule a demo.
Course List
Language Concepts
The participant will:
- Define social language and identify its role in English language learning and for instructional purposes.
- Define academic language and identify its role in English language learning and in content learning
- Differentiate between social and academic language in the development of English language proficiency.
- Identify the role of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in traditional foreign and second language classrooms.
- Describe social and academic listening and speaking tasks.
- Describe social and academic reading and writing tasks.
- Name different models of second language teaching that integrate listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
Factors Affecting English Language Learners
The participant will:
- Describe characteristics unique to English language learners.
- Discuss the role that prior learning experiences have on second language learning.
- Identify and discuss different social, cultural, and environmental factors that affect English language learners.
- Recognize individual learner characteristics that influence second language learning.
- Describe different learning styles and strategies of second language learning.
Types of ELL Programs
The participant will:
- Learn about different factors that play a role in choosing an ESL program.
- Name the main characteristics of each type of program and distinguish between each of them.
- Define the terms related to different ESL programs (mainstream, immersion, etc.).
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of ESL program.
Family and Community Involvement
The participant will:
- Examine the role of the family of EB students.
- Explain common barriers to communication between schools and families of English language learners.
- Discover ways that schools can improve communication and facilitate parent involvement.
- Learn measures that emergent bilinguals' parents or guardians can take to foster their child's academic development.
- Identify ways to access community resources to enhance EB students' education.
Levels of English Language Proficiency
The participant will:
- Define the different components of language.
- Discuss the role of cultural competence in language learning.
- Explain the concept of language transfer.
- Name the levels of English language proficiency and describe how English language learners perform at each level.
Building and Activating Background Knowledge
The participant will:
- Define different types of background knowledge.
- Explain the difference between activating and building on background knowledge.
- Identify and give examples of different techniques to activate background knowledge.
- Learn about different techniques that can be used to build background knowledge.
- Describe methods of working with text, video, and other media.
Methods of Vocabulary Instruction
The participant will:
- Examine the importance of vocabulary in language learning.
- Define content words and examine strategies for teaching content words and helping students to use and retain them.
- List process and function words and learn techniques for teaching them.
- Discover why learning word parts can aid emergent bilinguals.
- Discuss techniques for working with suffixes, prefixes, and root words.
Common Language Difficulties
The participant will:
- Identify some common language difficulties of emergent bilinguals.
- Examine figurative language and its challenges for EBs.
- Describe problems that idioms may present for students.
- Learn about false cognates and the confusion they may cause for learners.
Appealing to Multiple Learning Styles
The participant will:
- Describe different learning styles and the aspects of learning styles associated with second language learning.
- Learn tips and techniques to that appeal to visual learners.
- Identify strategies that appeal to auditory learners.
- Discover ways to reach tactile and kinesthetic learners.
Using Self-Corrective Techniques
The participant will:
- Recognize when emergent bilinguals are requesting assistance.
- Determine when and how frequently to correct students' errors.
- Learn how to help EBs self-correct by employing nonverbal cues.
- Examine how to use rephrasing and reformulation techniques to help students self-correct.
Reading Strategies for English Language Learners
The participant will:
- Review the role of background knowledge in reading comprehension.
- Identify five ways to help students process information.
- Describe different text structures and identify graphic organizers that can help students understand and identify text structures.
- Learn different note-taking strategies that will help students with reading comprehension.
- Describe strategies you can use with students to help them remember important information after reading a text.
Reading Activities for English Language Learners
The participant will:
- Examine different types of classroom activities that can be used to engage emergent bilinguals in the reading process.
- Learn about cooperative learning strategies for EBs and how the strategies can be applied to reading.
- Describe different strategies for EBs' independent reading activities.
Methods of Assessing and Checking Comprehension
The participant will:
- Learn about and differentiate among types of assessments including diagnostic, formative, summative, ipsative, portfolio, formal, and informal.
- Discover classroom techniques such as questioning, discussing, and summarizing to assess and check students' comprehension.
- Discuss verbal and nonverbal responses such as body language, silence, and intonation that EBs may have to instruction.
Common Grammatical Difficulties
The participant will:
- Identify some common language challenges for emergent bilinguals.
- Anticipate issues that count and noncount nouns may present for students.
- Learn about the use of articles and how they may perplex learners.
- Discover some tips and strategies for addressing grammatical difficulties.
Classroom Management Strategies
The participant will:
- Discuss various elements of classroom management.
- Examine the role of pair and small group work in classroom management.
- Define, understand, and incorporate flexible grouping.
- Discover ways to manage uncomfortable silences.
- Identify ways to allow more processing time for students.
Building a Supportive Classroom Learning Environment
The participant will:
- Learn about different types of anxiety that emergent bilinguals may experience in the classroom.
- Discover some of the sources of language learning anxiety.
- Learn about classroom strategies for building a supportive and engaging classroom environment.
- Describe technological methods for reducing learner anxiety.
Strategies for ELL Content Learning
The participant will:
- Learn about and differentiate between content-based and sheltered ESL instruction models.
- Learn how these models can motivate students and prepare them for mainstream classes.
- Describe and give examples of content and language objectives.
- Recall different types of activities and student groupings and apply them to content area instruction.
- Review informal comprehension checks and understand how rubrics can be used to assess comprehension.
Scaffolding Part 1
The participant will:
- Define scaffolding.
- Understand why, when, and how emergent bilinguals need scaffolding.
Scaffolding Part 2
The participant will:
- Learn different kinds of scaffolding that you can include in your classroom practice.
- Consider and create scaffolds that are necessary for your classroom.
Creating Spaces for Interaction and Learning
The participant will:
- Define interaction for emergent bilinguals in a classroom environment.
- Become familiar with the four different types of interaction.
- Learn good lesson design.
- Learn what is needed and how to plan when working with students in an interactive lesson.
Resources and Activities
ELL Lesson Plans
- Sample Jigsaw Reading Activity
- The Comparative Suffix -er
- Sample Activity for Auditory Learners
- Sample Activity for Kinesthetic Learners
- Sample Activity for Tactile Learners
- Sample Activity for Visual Learners
Practice Activities for Educators
- Questioning Exercise
- Using Rephrasing Techniques
ELL Graphic Organizers
- Chain Diagram
- Cycle Diagram
- Step Diagram
- Pyramid Diagram
- Venn Diagram
- Fishbone Diagram
- Semantic Features Matrix
- Concept Map
- T-Chart
- K-W-L Strategy
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