The Master Teacher Weekly Pd Program
The Master Teacher Weekly Pd Program provides teachers with a weekly dose of help and inspiration through concise lessons available in print, online, or both. Print customers receive monthly lesson shipments, while online customers get weekly emails with a link to the lesson.
The program features 36 micro-lessons covering key professional topics (such as behavior, relationships with students and parents, and instructional strategies), each including an article, actionable tips, reflection questions, and an inspirational quote. Teachers can complete posttests to earn Professional Development Points (PDPs) or Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Administrators also receive a Leader’s Guide with discussion questions for facilitating meaningful group discussions.
Call 800.669.9633 for site license pricing.
Teachers Receive 36 Weekly Micro-Lessons in Print, Online, or Both
Feature Article
Tips for Immediate Application
Questions for Reflection
Inspirational Quote


It's a new era. More than ever before, you need to connect with your teachers.
Never in history has the work of a teacher or an administrator been more challenging. Nor has the administrative leadership responsibility to give teachers the right kind of support been more important. Our students are in a “different place” than they were even a few years ago, and so are our teachers. That’s why it is imperative that principals do more than simply communicate with teachers; they must successfully connect with them.
Regardless of whether they are new teachers or veterans, all teachers need, want, and thrive with meaningful, productive connections.
Without doubt, teachers must also connect with students and parents like never before. But they need professional help to do so, and they need a continuous flow of ideas, strategies, techniques, and skills to effectively support student learning. Equally important, teachers need to connect with one another to learn and find success and satisfaction. Alone they can only do so much, but together—working as a team—they can be a powerful force for learning.

We have exciting news: Creating a culture of connections does not have to be expensive or time consuming for principals. That’s where The Master Teacher Weekly Pd Program can be both helpful and effective.
Every week, you can provide your teachers with the commonsense, practical, research-based insights and techniques they need in short, power-packed reads. The content you offer to your teachers will be specifically timed to meet the needs that are most likely to emerge during each particular week of the school year. The insights and advice you share through the program will reassure teachers that you know what they are experiencing—and are there with them offering your help.
Order today and build the foundation for a culture of connections with those you are leading by giving them the professional insights of The Master Teacher Weekly Pd Program.
Kick Off the Program!
Distribute the Welcome Card, the Easy-Finder Index, and the first lesson of The Master Teacher Weekly Pd Program to each teacher.
Let your teachers know that every week, they will receive a new lesson to read. At the same time, use the kick-off speech/memo to introduce the program to your staff.
Each Week
Teachers will receive the lessons either in print or online, unless you specify that you want both versions.
Print: Four lessons will be mailed to you each month for each teacher, so you will never miss a week of providing professional help and inspiration.
Online: Teachers will automatically receive a weekly email notifying them that the newest online lesson from The Master Teacher Weekly Pd Program is available to access. A link will be provided in the email for ease of use.
Then... Further engage teachers by using The Engagement Builder and The Discussion Generator found in the provided Leader's Guide.
Easy to Implement

Why Micro-Learning Pd is So Effective!
1 Quinn, C. (2015, April 14). Defining microlearning?
2 Taylor, D. (2017, January 6). Micro learning: Advance or fantasy?
3 Mind Gym. (n.d.). The bite-size revolution: How to make learning stick.
To help learners keep pace with their professional knowledge and achieve goals in a way that accounts for individual needs, experts recommend micro-learning, which involves "small but complete learning experiences" that happen in "short bursts" or "bite-size" pieces (1, 2, 3).
Effective micro-learning offers both examples and practice to "help learners recognize the opportunities to transfer their learning" and quickly put it to use (1, 3). If learners know how they can use information or ideas, they are more likely to do so efficiently.
Learners benefit even more when bite-size lessons are readily available and easy to access. This lets them fit training into their busy schedules and allows them to focus on their specific learning needs (3).
Bite-size lessons make learning retention easier, because they offer "just key facts and relevant information" instead of fluff and filler information (3).
Focusing on just a few learning objectives and takeaways avoids overloading learners it's easier to take in information "in chunks rather than all at once” (3).
Learning in short stretches complements the "natural energy ebb and flow" and "natural learning rhythms" of learners (3).
The fact is, teachers will learn more and retain more in a few minutes than they will in 1 or 2 hours.
1 Quinn, C. (2015, April 14). Defining microlearning?
2 Taylor, D. (2017, January 6). Micro learning: Advance or fantasy?
3 Mind Gym. (n.d.). The bite-size revolution: How to make learning stick.