You Can Handle Them All! Behavior App

# EL312

The You Can Handle Them All! Behavior App describes 136 student behaviors and:

  • Identifies the primary causes of each behavior.
  • Explains how each behavior affects teachers, other students, and the learning environment.
  • Offers up to 34 techniques for managing each student behavior.
  • Cross-references related student behaviors.

Micro-lessons are included within the app to help you understand the underlying causes of each misbehavior in order to correct it. 

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0 - 4: 59,4 - 10: 49,10 - 25: 45,25 - 50: 42,50 - 100: 39,100 - 300: 35,300: 32,


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4 - 9


10 - 24


25 - 49


50 - 99


100 - 299




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Image with text

Each behavior is listed in a systematic, easy-to-use, 4-step behavior guide, helping teachers to:

1. Identify the Behavior

This step lists specific student attitudes and actions so you can easily identify which of the 136 different behaviors applies. Check the "See Also" section at the end of each behavior to cross-reference related behaviors.

2. Understand the Effects of the Behavior

This step determines how the behavior affects the student's teacher, classmates, parents, and learning environment.

3. Identify the Causes, Student Needs, and Techniques to Manage the Behavior

This step considers the primary causes of misbehavior, the primary and secondary needs that are influencing the behavior, and specific suggestions for modifying and changing it.

4. Avoid Mistakes that May Intensify the Behavior

This step explains common misjudgments and errors in managing the behavior that may perpetuate or intensify the problem.

Behaviors Addressed:

  1. The Agitator
  2. The Alibier
  3. The Angel
  4. The Angry
  1. The Failer
  2. The Fighter
  3. The Follower
  4. The Forgetter
  1. The Lewd
  2. The Liar
  3. The Loner
  4. The Loudmouth
  1. The Sidetracker
  2. The Skeptic
  3. The Skipper
  4. The Sleeper
  1. The Apathetic
  2. The Apple Polisher
  3. The Arrogant
  4. The Attention Demander
  1. The Foulmouth
  2. The Fun Seeker
  3. The Goer
  4. The Goldbrick
  1. The Lover
  2. The Malcontent
  3. The Manipulator
  4. The Name Caller
  1. The Smart Aleck
  2. The Smartmouth
  3. The Sneak
  4. The Snob
  1. The Authority Pusher
  2. The Blabbermouth
  3. The Blurter
  4. The Boss
  1. The Gossip
  2. The Grade Grubber
  3. The Greedy
  4. The Griper
  1. The Negative Group
  2. The Noisemaker
  3. The Noncompleter With Grand Plans
  4. The Nonparticipator
  1. The Snoop
  2. The Snotty
  3. The Spoiled
  4. The Stewer
  1. The Bully
  2. The Cheater
  3. The Chiseler
  4. The Class Clown
  1. The Habitual Absentee
  2. The Hater
  3. The Hider
  4. The Hyperactive
  1. "Not My Fault"
  2. The Objector
  3. The Overly Aggressive
  4. The Overly Sensitive
  1. The Swearer
  2. The Talker
  3. Talks Back
  4. The Tardy
  1. The Clique
  2. The Complainer
  3. The Con Artist
  4. The Crier (Who Claims Foul)
  1. "I Can't"
  2. "I Don't Care"
  3. "I Don't Know"
  4. "I Won't Do It"
  1. The Pest
  2. The Petty Rules Breaker
  3. The Pouter
  4. The Procrastinator
  1. The Tattletale
  2. The Teaser
  3. The Test Challenger
  4. The Thief
  1. The Defier
  2. The Destroyer
  3. The Disengaged
  4. The Disorganized
  1. The Immature
  2. The Impulsive
  3. The Indifferent
  4. The Influencer
  1. The Questioner
  2. The Rabble Rouser
  3. The Rebel
  4. The Repeater
  1. The Troublemaker
  2. The Truant
  3. The Underachiever
  4. The Unprepared
  1. The Disrespectful
  2. The Disrupter
  3. The Distracter
  4. The Do-Nothing
  1. The Intellectual Show-Off
  2. The Interrupter
  3. The Irresponsible
  4. The Jealous
  1. The Rude
  2. Satisfied With Second Place
  3. The Scrapper
  4. The Selfish
  1. The Victim
  2. The Vindictive
  3. The Wanderer
  4. The Whiner
  1. The Dreamer
  2. The Exaggerator
  3. The Excuse Maker
  4. The Exploder
  1. The Know-It-All
  2. The Last Worder
  3. The Late Arriver
  4. The Lazy
  1. The Sexuality Broadcaster
  2. The Shadow
  3. The Show-Off
  4. The Shy

Cyberbullying Behaviors

  1. The Denigrator
  2. The Excluder
  3. The Harasser
  4. The Impersonator
  1. The Jealous Ex
  2. The "Mean People" Cyberbully
  3. The Outer
  4. The Reactor
  1. The Stalker
  2. The Techno Sniper
  3. The Troller
  4. The Vengeful Angel