Bridging the Learning Loss Gap Series
Bridging the learning loss gap is one of the biggest challenges teachers face now. Strategies on how to reengage students and close learning gaps are critical. This series of online courses will help build techniques specifically for teachers to facilitate this.
Once teachers master these strategies, we guarantee they will become better and more successful teachers for the rest of their careers.
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Course List and Objectives
Break it Down to Increase Learning
The participant will:
- Learn strategies for breaking a lesson into parts to increase comprehension and learning.
Tap the Power: When Students Talk About Their Learning
The participant will:
- Learn powerful strategies for causing students to learn more by creating the conditions for them to talk more.
Five Strategies Will Improve Engagement, Interaction, and Performance
The participant will:
- Learn five ways to build an interactive classroom where engagement is always at high levels.
Use Student Voice and Choice to Build Ownership
The participant will:
- Examine three types of choices that include student voices and contribute to students accepting responsibility and ownership for learning.
You Really Can and Must Make Learning Fun
The participant will:
- Learn why a classroom environment that learners find enjoyable, purposeful, and challenging can accelerate their progress and increase their long-term memory.
Six Ways You Can Help Students Think Clearly
The participant will:
- Learn how to help students develop clear-thinking skills.
Recognizing and Overcoming Learning Blocks
The participant will:
- Learn useful tips for recognizing and overcoming students' learning blocks.
Teach Students When and How to Ask for Help
The participant will:
- Learn how to nurture students' ability to know when and how to ask for help.
Never Forget: The Word "Each" is Within "Teacher"
The participant will:
- Learn how showing both students and parents the word "each" in "teacher" is an insightful, convincing, comforting, and effective message.
Leading Students Out of the Fear Zone
The participant will:
- Learn how five actions can replace a culture of fear with a culture of success.
Design Questions to Get the Learning You Seek
The participant will:
- Learn how to push students to connect knowledge to real-life applications.
Use Think Time to Assess What Students Really Know
The participant will:
- Learn how to effectively increase the amount of time students are given to answer questions, so that the teacher will have a better idea of what students truly know.
How to Teach Students to Assess Their Learning
The participant will:
- Learn why it's important for students to be able to assess their own learning and strategies to teach them to do so.
Five Facets of Feedback That Increase Achievement
The participant will:
- Discover five essential components of powerful feedback that increase achievement.
Integrating Arts Into the Classroom
The participant will:
- Understand what arts integration entails.
- Learn how arts integration creates student engagement.
- Understand that arts integration leads to more authentic learning experiences.
- Learn that allowing for student choice increases student engagement.
- Find tips and tricks for facilitating arts integration.
Bundle Any of Our eLearning Libraries
- Cloud-based, accessible on tablets and mobile devices
- Single sign-on with Google or Microsoft
- Easily manage users and track all Pd hours within one system
- Require courses, set due dates, and monitor course programs, competition, and credits
- Generate official documentation with user-friendly transcripts
- Easily export eLearning reports in Excel, CSV, or PDF formats