How to Teach Online Series
One of the biggest challenges in today's teaching environment is to keep students engaged and motivated when learning remotely. Teachers also say they need support in the areas of social and emotional learning and strategies to adapt current curriculums to distance or hybrid learning.
The How to Teach Online Series helps meet these needs with 19 courses on these topics and more, giving teachers the support they need to achieve learning success in any type of classroom.
Each course includes a posttest at the end that is automatically graded, as well as transcripts and course certificates that teachers can access to document their training.
Call 800.669.9633 for site license pricing or schedule a demo.
Course List and Objectives
Creating the Environment for Online Learning
The participant will:
- Know the elements of a well-designed workspace for teachers.
- Know the elements of a well-designed workspace for students.
- Learn to create a safe and supportive online learning environment.
- Learn how to shift from instructor to facilitator.
- Create an online resource to organize and deliver content digitally.
Formative Assessment in an Online World
The participant will:
- Learn why formative assessments are necessary.
- Understand different types of online formative assessments.
- Understand how to implement the different types of online formative assessments.
Building and Maintaining Relationships With Students
The participant will:
- Identify factors that contribute to healthy and unhealthy relationships.
- Identify factors of relationships that are unique to online learning.
- Identify similarities and differences in building relationships face-to-face versus online.
Creating and Maintaining Student Engagement (Part 1)
The participant will:
- Understand the importance of building a foundation.
- Learn how to offer choices in an online classroom.
- Understand how to use technology to your benefit.
- Understand how allowing for creativity deepens engagement and learning.
Creating and Maintaining Student Engagement (Part II)
The participant will:
- Understand the importance of establishing class routines and expectations for online learning.
- Develop projects and discussion boards for online classes that foster collaboration among students and encourage higher-level thinking skills.
- Develop lessons that incorporate play in an online classroom.
- Incorporate authentic learning experiences into an online classroom.
- Learn to respond to students who struggle to stay engaged in online learning.
Gaining Student Buy-In and Participation
The participant will:
- Understand that there are different needs and levels of participation in online teaching versus in the physical classroom.
- Learn ideas and strategies to engage students.
- Identify methods for reaching the underachievers.
Utilizing Videoconferencing in the Age of Distance Learning
The participant will:
- Recognize the benefits of videoconferencing and video instruction in the age of digital learning.
- Determine the goal or purpose of each videoconference and communicate that information to all participants.
- Examine the role of schools in preparing for videoconferencing.
- Examine the role of teachers in preparing for videoconferencing.
- Set videoconferencing expectations for students with the first invite.
Online Discussion Boards: Setting a Place at the Table for All Students
The participant will:
- Recognize the benefits of online discussion boards for middle and high school classes in an age of distance learning.
- Determine the goal or purpose of each online discussion.
- Set online discussion expectations for equal student participation.
- Examine the teacher's role in online discussions.
Forming and Maintaining the Trust Bond Between Teacher, Student, and Now Parents in the Online Learning Environment
The participant will:
- Accept that all students and families will have different needs in the distance learning environment.
- Learn methods to create and maintain relationships.
- Identify strategies to engage students and their parents.
Getting Down to Basics and Cutting Out the Fluff
The participant will:
- Learn why it is necessary to cut out the fluff in an online environment.
- Learn methods for cutting out fluff in your curriculum.
- Understand the basic structure for units in an online environment.
To Grade or Not to Grade
The participant will:
- Understanding the different types of grading.
- Learn why grading is important.
- Understanding what graceful grading looks like in an online environment.
Managing Your Family While Teaching
The participant will:
- Learn methods for creating a schedule for teaching at home.
- Understand the importance of flexibility.
- Understand the importance of self-care.
- Learn ways to set limits and boundaries.
Managing Teacher Anxiety and Stress in the Age of COVID-19
The participant will:
- Recognize the importance of maintaining and/or improving physical and emotional health through exercise and mindfulness activities.
- Understand that pursuing creative interests and challenging oneself intellectually can help reduce stress and anxiety.
- Understand the benefits of socializing even while socially distancing.
- Learn to listen to one's own messages to manage stress and anxiety.
Tending to the Social-Emotional Needs of Students
The participant will:
- Explore approaches to integrate social and emotional learning in the online or blended classroom.
- Gain critical insight into the various facets of social and emotional learning.
- Discuss what constitutes a meaningful relationship.
- Reflect on personal practices and approaches when building relationships and instructing students.
Starting and Ending Online Classes
The participant will:
- Learn the importance of creating a consistent structure to the classroom, especially in an online environment.
- Analyze various theories and online tools that can be applied to the online classroom.
- Be able to create effective opening and closing routines.
Prep 101 for an Uncertain School Year
The participant will:
- Recognize how student learning environments change.
- Learn how to define success.
- Find ways to empower stakeholders.
- Learn how to set boundaries.
- Identify resources.
- Discover ways to ask for what you need.
- Acknowledge the role of risk, experimentation, disappointment, and failure.
Setting Up a Tech Boot Camp for Student Success
The participant will:
- Recognize technology challenges for students and parents/caregivers.
- Create a plan to address technology challenges that empowers students and parents/caregivers.
- Identify resources to support the teacher, student, and parents/caregivers.
- Generate structures to organize lessons, communications, resources, etc.
The Keys to Getting Hybrid Schooling Right
The participant will:
- Understand the importance of social-emotional learning.
- Understand how to use your face-to-face time wisely.
- Learn various tech tools to aid you.
- Learn various strategies to cut your workload.
- Understand the importance of flexibility.
Tips and Strategies for Concurrent Teaching
The participant will:
- Understand the difference between concurrent or synchronous learning and nonconcurrent or asynchronous learning.
- Learn strategies that work in both environments.
- Understand how to build and maintain student relationships in various learning environments.
- Learn tips and tricks for dealing with students who regularly bounce between in-person and remote learning environments.
- Learn some self-care strategies to ensure less burnout.
Bundle Any of Our eLearning Libraries
- Cloud-based, accessible on tablets and mobile devices
- Single sign-on with Google or Microsoft
- Easily manage users and track all PD hours within one system
- Require courses, set due dates, and monitor course programs, competition, and credits
- Generate official documentation with user-friendly transcripts
- Easily export eLearning reports in Excel, CSV, or PDF formats