Early Career Teaching Monthly Pd Program
This program offers early-career educators consistent, practical support throughout the school year. Each month, educators receive two 10-minute online video courses, delivered directly to their eLearning dashboard. These concise, actionable lessons are designed to address the specific challenges educators face at different points in the year, providing timely strategies and expert advice to make their teaching more effective. Over the course of nine months, this methodical approach ensures that teachers are equipped with the tools and insights they need to thrive in the classroom.
Program Includes:
- Practical strategies and examples to help apply course concepts in the classroom.
- Questions for Your Mentor to guide and enhance your mentoring programs.
- Automatically graded posttests at the end of each course.
- Transcripts and certificates to document training.
Call 800.669.9633 for site license pricing or schedule a demo.
Help Your Early Career Educators Be Prepared for Today's Challenges
18 courses covering the following:
An Eight-Step Plan for the First Day
This course teaches the importance of starting off the year strong, determining how the first day of the year should be structured to maximize order and welcome students, and reviews strategies for making the first day socially, emotionally, and academically meaningful.
You Must Teach to Get Results
Participants will understand the importance of teaching with the end in mind, learn how to create lesson plans with the objective at the forefront, and review examples of effective lessons and assessments.
What Can Students Expect From You?
Participants will learn the integral role that expectations play in motivating students and in creating a safe learning environment for all, understand the importance of setting positive expectations for yourself and your students, and realize that meeting expectations requires planning, hard work, and follow-through.
Before You Can Manage Behavior
The participant will understand that before you can expect students to behave appropriately, you have to teach them what constitutes appropriate behavior.
The One Rule You Need
The participant will gain a better understanding of the purpose behind establishing classroom rules, learn how some rules can turn negative and how to avoid this pitfall, and be able to create and implement effective rules that are straightforward, manageable, and easy to understand.
Your Three Most Important Decisions
The participant will understand the importance of teacher beliefs in reaching teacher goals, learn the ways in which beliefs are shaped both positively and negatively, and be able to shift from an ineffective mindset to an effective one.
If You Want to Wow Parents
The participant will define the term “wow” and how it applies to parent support, involvement, and participation; learn a number of ways to contact parents effectively and positively; and be able to create a list of questions to guide conversations with parents.
Surefire Ways to Keep Students Highly Engaged
The participant will learn some of the causes of student disengagement and why these are so detrimental to learning outcomes, be able to alter existing lessons to increase student engagement, and become more aware of student signs of disinterest, confusion, or lack of motivation.
It's the Natural Time to Step Up to a Higher Level
The participant will understand the importance and impact of a truly great teacher, learn various behaviors of a highly impactful teacher, demonstrate behaviors that will increase the likelihood of their teaching being remembered by students for years to come.
Six Ways to Help Students Remember What They've Learned
The participant will distinguish between students’ negative perceptions about their own ability to recall learning and their desires to have better memories, learn strategies to create a learning environment more conducive to stronger memory, be able modify existing lessons to be more easily understood and remembered.
Make Sure Your Follow-Up Moves Students Forward
The participant will define follow-up as it relates to study skills, academic performance, and improving attitudes; learn strategies for follow-up efforts with students; and be able to make follow-up effective, personal, and impactful.
How to Talk So Students Keep Listening
The participant will learn seven communication skills to get students of any age to listen; employ methods, techniques, and skills designed to help students want to listen; and be able to listen effectively yourself.
Now Is the Time to Make the Most of Class Discussions
The participant will learn a three-step process to prepare for a successful classroom discussion, demonstrate a more active role in leading classroom discussions, and understand the importance of preparing, leading, and then bringing closure to every classroom discussion.
Time to Initiate a Plan for a Strong Finish
The participant will comprehend the importance of finishing the school year strong, learn key messages to send students away with a positive perspective, and demonstrate stronger relationship-building with students, even in the last days of school.
Handling Parent Complaints Realistically... and Professionally
The participant will discover six ways to handle parent complaints that will build stronger and more loyal relationships, build parents’ confidence in you and your teaching, and learn to respond professionally by leaving your emotions out.
Characteristics of a True Professional
The participant will learn the ten characteristics of all exceptional leaders, demonstrate skills and attitudes applicable to leading inside the classroom and beyond, and understand the important role a leader plays in the life of an organization.
Offer Students Opportunity Until the Last Day
The participant will identify problems faced by both teachers and students in the last weeks of school, learn to prioritize objectives to maximize learning, and demonstrate more productivity on what truly matters while reducing stress over what doesn’t.
What Students Need to Hear Before Leaving Your Class
The participant will understand the dangers of negative teacher messages, learn key messages that students need to hear to maintain their motivation until the last day, and demonstrate a more positive attitude toward the conclusion of school for the year.
Bundle Any of Our eLearning Libraries
- Cloud-based, accessible on tablets and mobile devices
- Single sign-on with Google or Microsoft
- Easily manage users and track all Pd hours within one system
- Require courses, set due dates, and monitor course programs, competition, and credits
- Generate official documentation with user-friendly transcripts
- Easily export eLearning reports in Excel, CSV, or PDF formats