Support Staff Online Training
When students, parents, and community members enter a new school or district, they want to feel welcomed, valued, and confident that their needs will be addressed and met. This positive culture starts at the front desk and is reinforced by every staff member they encounter.
Support Staff Online Training offers a suite of 39 self-paced courses, each able to be completed in as few as 10 to 20 minutes.
This training equips non-classroom education professionals to:
- Handle student and parent concerns effectively and professionally.
- Provide exceptional service that meets the diverse needs of parents, students, and community members.
- Communicate more effectively with parents and colleagues.
Each course includes an automatically graded posttest, with transcripts and course certificates available for users to document their training.
Call 800.669.9633 for site license pricing or schedule a demo.
Course List
The Five C's of Exceptional Service
The participant will:
- Identify the five C's of exceptional service.
- Understand the importance of delivering exceptional service.
Understanding the Mission of Your School or District
The participant will:
- Learn how to understand the mission of his or her school or district.
- Identify questions to consider when analyzing change.
- Describe the focus that sets professionals apart from his or her peers.
The Precarious Situation of Parents
The participant will:
- Explain the precarious situation of parents.
- Learn how to establish friendly relationships with parents.
- Understand how to deal with parental concerns.
- Explore ways to handle power appropriately.
Responding to Parents' High Expectations
The participant will:
- Describe how to think from a parent's perspective.
- Learn the importance of maintaining high quality.
Delivering Benefits Instead of Services
The participant will:
- Describe the difference between services and benefits.
- Identify the nine motivators that sell every experience.
Responding to Difficult Parents
The participant will:
- Understand why professionals forget that parents are just like them.
- Learn how to best respond to difficult parents.
Developing a Whole-Organization Mentality
The participant will:
- Describe a "whole-organization" mentality.
- Learn how to change self-centered habits.
Your Work Is More Important Than Your Title
The participant will:
- Learn why a job description is limiting.
- Understand that people are more interested in the work done by professionals than in the title each professional holds.
- Identify how to be an advocate of work.
The Importance of Being Reliable
The participant will:
- Understand the importance of being reliable.
- Describe ways to increase his or her reliability.
Ways to Avoid Making Judgments
The participant will:
- Learn reasons not to judge people.
- Identify ways to avoid judging people.
Why You Should Always Show Kindness to Others
The participant will:
- Describe why kindness is effective.
- Learn characteristics of kind people.
Practicing Patience at Work
The participant will:
- Define the virtue of patience.
- Learn how to use patience as a strategy.
- Appreciate the power of patience.
The Practical Need for Positivity
The participant will:
- Understand the need for positives.
- Learn how to be positive.
- Identify the professional's three responsibilities.
The Value of Developing Tolerance
The participant will:
- Learn the value of tolerance.
- Understand that tolerance is a choice.
- Identify how to develop tolerance.
- Discover how tolerance leads to success.
The Power of a Positive Attitude
The participant will:
- Understand the freedom that he or she has in life.
- Identify ways to utilize the power of a good attitude.
Exceptional Service Begins with Attitude
The participant will:
- Learn the source of all rewards in an organization.
- Learn why a good attitude is vital to exceptional service.
- Identify examples of exceptional service.
Being Dedicated to Your Work
The participant will:
- Learn the varying degrees of commitment.
- Describe the rewards of being a giver.
Finding Fulfillment in Your Work
The participant will:
- Understand why it is important to love what he or she does.
- Identify four aspects to love about work.
Achieving Your Personal Best
The participant will:
- Learn that his or her performance matters.
- Examine the possibility of being replaced.
- Identify the rewards of doing his or her best.
Responding Positively to Criticism
The participant will:
- Understand what happens when a school or district will not accept criticism.
- Learn how to determine whether he or she receives criticism gracefully.
Five Ways to Make Yourself Indispensable
The participant will:
- Identify five ways to become indispensable to his or her boss.
- Learn reasons to feel deeply about his or her work.
A Three-Step Prescription for Success
The participant will:
- Learn the three-step prescription for success.
- Describe ways to get results in his or her work.
How to "Wow" Parents and Community Members
The participant will:
- Learn his or her role in wowing parents and community members.
- Discover techniques that wow parents and community members.
Four Criteria for Making Good Decisions at Work
The participant will:
- Gain criteria for making good decisions.
- Learn who is an important force in determining quality.
Increasing Demand for Your School's Services
The participant will:
- Understand his or her role in increasing demand for school services.
- Learn why increasing demand is so important.
- Identify ways to contribute to the value of his or her school.
Seven Powerful Components of Verbal Communication
The participant will:
- Identify the seven vital components of verbal communication.
- Understand how the seven components have a direct bearing on whether he or she communicates effectively.
Seven Tips for Ending Conversations on a High Note
The participant will:
- Learn that the end of a conversation is as important as its beginning.
- Identify seven good ways to end a conversation.
Making the Best Possible Impression
The participant will:
- Understand the way people make judgments about others.
- Learn the style of clothing that commands the most respect.
- Learn styles to avoid when trying to make a good impression.
Giving Yourself a Million-Dollar Image
The participant will:
- Identify the attributes of a person who has a million-dollar image.
- Learn how to convey that image.
What Exceptional Service Looks Like
The participant will:
- View examples of exceptional service.
- Learn why it is important to add services to his or her job.
Vital Tips for Managing Parent Complaints
The participant will:
- Identify two key attributes of parent complaints.
- Learn techniques for managing parent complaints.
Tackling Negative Situations Professionally
The participant will:
- Learn how to make bad situations better.
- Identify attitudes that cause professionals to miss vital opportunities.
- Describe specific steps to take when facing stressful circumstances.
Six Techniques You Can Use to Motivate Others
The participant will:
- Identify and learn six techniques to motivate others.
Handling Your Errors Professionally
The participant will:
- Learn the Law of Total Responsibility.
- Learn how to accept responsibility for his or her own mistakes.
How to React When You Make Mistakes
The participant will:
- Identify three things people do that make mistakes worse.
- Learn ways to rectify a mistake.
Five Techniques for Calming Angry People
The participant will:
- Learn five techniques for calming angry people.
- Become aware of guidelines that help professionals stay calm when speaking to angry people.
Techniques for Dealing with Irrational Behavior
The participant will:
- Define irrational behavior.
- Identify techniques to help a colleague gain control of his or her emotions.
- Identify steps to help an irrational parent.
Techniques for Dealing with the Attention Demander
The participant will:
- Understand the behavior of attention demanders.
- Learn how to deal with an attention-demanding colleague.
- Identify ways to deal with an attention-demanding parent.
The Rights of Parents in Education
The participant will:
- Come to an understanding of the past role of parents in education.
- Examine laws that govern the rights of parents.
- Learn reasons to partner with parents.
Bundle Any of Our eLearning Libraries
- Cloud-based, accessible on tablets and mobile devices
- Single sign-on with Google or Microsoft
- Easily manage users and track all Pd hours within one system
- Require courses, set due dates, and monitor course programs, competition, and credits
- Generate official documentation with user-friendly transcripts
- Easily export eLearning reports in Excel, CSV, or PDF formats