Social & Emotional Learning Series

# EL314

At The Master Teacher, we define social and emotional learning as helping students develop the skills to think, learn, and communicate in ways that allow them to discover the power they have within themselves to develop their potential and make choices that enhance the quality of their lives, relationships, and experiences.

Now, more than ever, we understand that students' needs to belong and feel emotionally safe are essential for effective learning. These courses equip teachers with highly effective, research-backed techniques and skills to support these critical aspects of student development.

Each course includes an automatically graded posttest, with transcripts and course certificates available for users to document their training.

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0 - 4: 49,4 - 10: 39,10 - 25: 35,25 - 50: 32,50 - 100: 29,100: 25,


Number of Users

Annual Price Per User

1 - 3


4 - 9


10 - 24


25 - 49


50 - 99




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Course List and Objectives


Your First Priority: Creating the Environment for Learning

The participant will:

  • Understand why creating a climate that encourages, nurtures, and inspires learning is essential to increasing student interest, motivation, effort, and achievement.
  • Learn eight elements of an engaging classroom environment.


Establishing a Safe and Caring Environment

The participant will:

  • Learn about the importance of making sure that students feel both physically and psychologically safe in the classroom.


Designing an Environment of Cooperation and Collaboration

The participant will:

  • Understand the importance of cooperation and collaboration inside the classroom to prepare students for their futures outside the classroom.
  • Consider individual levels, abilities, and personalities when grouping students.
  • Understand the importance of assigning different roles or jobs for each member of a group.
  • Communicate to students both the academic and social expectations of working in a group.
  • Determine how the students will be assessed.
  • Recognize the need to mix groups of students throughout the school year.


Teacher Behaviors That Telegraph Expectations

The participant will:

  • Learn how to communicate high expectations to students continually and get students to accept high expectations for themselves.


A Recipe for a Respectful Classroom

The participant will:

  • Recognize the human need for respect and its correlation with effective classroom management.
  • Understand that in a respectful classroom, both students and teachers deserve to learn, are capable of learning, and will learn from each other.
  • Acknowledge students' individual interests, their unique approaches to learning, and the need to foster respect in the classroom.
  • Establish the connection between student privacy and a culture of respect.
  • Communicate with students using the language of respect.


It's All About the Kids: Building Strong Student Relationships

The participant will:

  • Learn the importance of building strong student relationships and setting high expectations in order to promote a true learning environment.


The Five Relationships of Students

The participant will:

  • Learn how and why to look at all five student relationships when handling any kind of negative attitude or behavior.


Rewarding Relationships and Respectful Communication

The participant will:

  • Review the importance of building rewarding relationships and establishing effective communication in the classroom.


Make Sure Students See These Top Ten in You

The participant will:

  • Learn the characteristics that the most effective teachers possess and strive to perfect.


Before You Blame a Student for Not Learning

The participant will:

  • Study eight reasons a student may not be learning.


Students Won't Risk Losing an Advocate

The participant will:

  • Learn six attitudes to adopt or actions to take to become a student advocate.


Classroom Management vs. Relationships for Learning

The participant will:

  • Discover a new way to look at the vital role our relationships with students play in the learning outcomes students achieve.


Defining Your Expectations and Creating Effective Rules

The participant will:

  • Learn and reflect on the importance of defining learning and behavior expectations for students and creating and communicating classroom rules.


Discuss the Real Issues Without Doing Damage

The participant will:

  • Learn nine strategies to use with students who are habitually in trouble-all of which are more effective than getting tough.


Avoid Five Mistakes When Chronic Trauma is Present

The participant will:

  • Understand how chronic trauma can significantly influence how a student will engage and respond at school.
  • Learn common mistakes we can make and their alternatives when responding to students who experience chronic trauma.


Be Alert to Long-Term Effects of Trauma

The participant will:

  • Understand what some of the long-term effects of trauma can be for young people.
  • Learn a few ways to help a student who is experiencing the aftereffects of trauma.


How to Create a Sense of Belonging for All Students

The participant will:

  • Understand the difference between fitting in and belonging.
  • Learn ways to create and maintain a sense of belonging for all of your students.


Helping Students Work Through Anxiety

The participant will:

  • Learn the difference between stress and anxiety.
  • Understand how to help students manage their anxiety.

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  • Cloud-based, accessible on tablets and mobile devices
  • Single sign-on with Google or Microsoft
  • Easily manage users and track all Pd hours within one system
  • Require courses, set due dates, and monitor course programs, competition, and credits
  • Generate official documentation with user-friendly transcripts
  • Easily export eLearning reports in Excel, CSV, or PDF formats
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