Ignite PD Activity: We Can Be the Light
Ignite PD Activity: We Can Be the Light
Throughout history, light has symbolized hope, help, and protection. The We Can Be the Light activity shares a thoughtful message and powerful experience about the presence of light and its ability to push back doubt, darkness, and fear. The experience is built via reusable candles that are lit and shared from one participant to another. The light is ultimately combined to push back darkness on a wider radius. Participants are reminded of their potential to be the light that students and colleagues seek and need during difficult and challenging times. As a reminder of their potential to make a positive difference for others, participants are invited to take their reusable candles with them at the conclusion of the activity.
Engagement Strategy: Facilitator-Led
Purpose: Culture Building
Time Required: 8-10 Minutes
Includes a 4 oz. candle for each participant!