Ignite PD Activity: You Are the Key to Unleashing Creativity

Item # IG325
10 - 20: 8.95,20 - 50: 6.45,50 - 100: 5.5,100: 4.75,




10 - 19


20 - 49


50 - 99





Ignite PD Activity: You Are the Key to Unleashing Creativity

The words we choose when talking with students about their learning can matter more than we realize. Without thought we can close off a learning path, shut down a promising idea, undermine an emerging interest, and diminish the confidence to take a risk. The You Are the Key to Unleashing Creativity activity helps participants become more conscious of and explore strategies to unleash the potential of the words they choose. Participants unpack the power of asking “why not” rather than “why” and analyze other curiosity and creativity unleashing words and phrases. Participants leave with a lapel pin and message card and the challenge to begin the new year by charting new paths, creating new approaches, and embracing new ways of thinking to experience a year filled with surprise, excitement, and innovation.

Engagement Strategy:  Facilitator-Led
Reflection and Group Discussion
Purpose:  Culture Building
Time Required:  30 Minutes

Includes lapel pin with message card for each participant!