
Course List and Objectives

Health & First Aid


Bloodborne Pathogens

  • Identify bloodborne pathogens and other biohazards.
  • Recognize possible consequences of contamination from bloodborne pathogens.
  • Discover what techniques you can use to protect yourself from bloodborne pathogens and other biohazards.
  • Learn about controls associated with bloodborne pathogens and other biohazards.
  • Understand how to prevent contamination after accidental exposure.
  • Practice theoretical responses to different scenarios involving bloodborne pathogens and other biohazards.


Introduction to Emergency Action Principles

  • Understand the importance of learning first aid and its role in providing a safe learning environment.
  • Learn how to prevent and prepare for emergencies-and how to prevent disease and parasite transmission.
  • Gain an understanding of the content and importance of an emergency action plan.
  • Learn the initial steps in emergency response-as well as how to check the scene for safety.
  • Gain an understanding of when to call and how to interact with the emergency medical services (EMS) system.


Providing Care in an Emergency

  • Review information contained in TB 145 - Introduction to Emergency Action Principles.
  • Learn how to respond and provide care in the event of an emergency or sudden illness.
  • Gain an understanding of how to evaluate and treat wounds, control bleeding, and help burn victims.
  • Learn the basics of evaluating and treating musculoskeletal injuries.
  • Discuss how to help victims of sudden illnesses and heat- and cold-related illnesses.



How Student Needs and Teacher Attitudes Influence Behavior

  • Every Behavior Situation Has Three Variables:
    Learn the three variables in every behavior situation and how all three factors will remain variables unless a teacher can control their own behavior.
  • The Seven Primary Needs:
    Learn what the seven primary human needs are and how they must be met before students can focus on anything else.
  • The Eight Secondary Needs:
    Learn what the eight secondary needs are and how they can motivate students to learn and behave.
  • The Four Primary Causes of Misbehavior:
    Learn how every behavior has a purpose that can be attributed to one of these four causes.


Your Strategic Attitude: The Laws and Principles of Behavior Management

  • The Importance of Strategic Attitude:
    Learn why a professional management stance will help determine your happiness, satisfaction, and well-being.
  • The Law of Origin:
    Learn why institutions and the people who work in them must operate in agreement with the reason for their origin and existence to be successful.
  • The Law of Total Responsibility:
    Learn why an appointed leaders is responsible for everything that happens within their realm of leadership and how to accept this responsibility in the classroom.
  • The Law of Ever-Present Leadership:
    Learn that whenever two or more people gather, leadership is present and how this leadership can be a positive or negative force for individuals and the school.
  • The Law of Positive Reinforcement:
    Learn why negative attitudes and behaviors emerge in the absence of positive reinforcement from leadership.
  • The Law of Filtered Information:
    Learn why the more power and influence a teacher possesses, the more information received from students will be filtered.


Your Strategic Attitude: Additional Principles for Managing Behavior Effectively

  • The Principle of Management Adjustment:
    Learn why the higher you go in title and position, the more you are required to adjust your behavior to get others to adjust their own.
  • Sharing vs. Imposing Truth:
    Learn the difference between sharing and imposing your truth to students and why the distinction is important.
  • The Theory of Right or Wrong Conflict:
    Learn why your beliefs about right and wrong can affect your success.
  • You Don't Have to Understand Students to Accept Them:
    Learn why you must accept students even if you don't understand their behavior in order to find solutions.
  • Behavior Management Can't Be Legislated From the Office:
    Learn who is responsible for behavior in a school and why.
  • You Can't Have Rules for Everything:
    Learn why flexibility in rules can allow you to be more fair and make better
  • The Kids Who Need Us the Most:
    Learn why the students you have the most profound effect on are often the ones you think you aren't getting through to.


Your Strategic Position: Setting Yourself Up for Success

  • Positioning Yourself to Strategically Handle Behavior:
    Learn the attitudes and behaviors that will position you for maximum effectiveness in dealing with student behavior.
  • Behavior Management Is a Positive Thing:
    Learn why teaching proper behavior and self-discipline will affect students and their academics positively.
  • The Five Relationships of Students:
    Learn about the five relationships every student has in the classroom and why they must be dealt with collectively.


Your Strategic Position: Mistakes to Avoid

  • Proctor's Spiral of Futility:
    Learn about the seven-step process of futility and how to reverse it.
  • Tact Rather Than Attack:
    Learn why tact is an effective strategy to build the relationships necessary to make permanent behavior changes.
  • You Can't Take It Back:
    Learn why it's important to be careful with your words when handling student behavior.
  • Don't Back Yourself Against the Wall:
    Learn why ultimatums put you in an unwinnable situation and ways to avoid them.


Your Strategic Position: Vital Understandings

  • Due Process: A Requirement for Fairness:
    Learn how due process allows us to create an environment of fairness in our classroom.
  • Absolutely Refuse to Reject:
    Learn why inclusion rather than exclusion is necessary to lead and teach.
  • There's No Place for Sarcasm:
    Learn about the damaging effects of sarcasm and why it has no place in the classroom.
  • Caring Is Not Coddling:
    Learn the differences between caring and coddling and how caring develops strengths.
  • Remember: You May Be Starting the Fight:
    Learn why teacher respect for the student is a vital element in behavior situations regardless of student respect for teacher and how a loss of power is typically the cause of disrespect.


Your Strategic Actions: Techniques for Success

  • The First Decision Before You Act:
    Learn to decide whether you want to punish or change behavior when problems arise.
  • Your Most Effective Tool: The Private Conference:
    Learn why dealing with behavior problems privately is infinitely more effective than dealing with them publicly.
  • You Must Get Both Viewpoints:
    Learn why understanding the problem from the student's perspective and the student understanding it from yours is necessary to resolve it.
  • Always Separate Attitude and Behavior:
    Learn why dealing with attitude and behavior as the same thing could undermine desired results in both.
  • Counseling Students About Attitudes:
    Learn an effective two-step process for discussing attitudes with students.


Your Strategic Actions: Keeping Problems From Escalating

  • Never Ask Why ... Ask What:
    Learn how asking what instead of why is more effective at changing behavior.
  • The People Priorities:
    Learn about seven needs that students are attempting to meet with either appropriate or inappropriate behavior.
  • Keeping the Responsibility for Misbehavior with the Student:
    Learn to be careful with the need for power and control in the classroom, as it can diminish students' responsibility for their own behavior.
  • Discuss the Real Issues Without Doing Damage:
    Learn why it's important to be specific and caring when dealing with behavior problems.
  • Confront With Caring:
    Learn the best ways to confront students about misbehavior.


Your Strategic Actions: Keeping Communication Open

  • Two Vital Forms of Communication:
    Learn about the benefits and differences of verbal and nonverbal communication.
  • Techniques for Listening:
    Learn three effective listening techniques to establish good rapport with your students.
  • Keys to Effective Listening:
    Learn to overcome three specific blockages to effective listening.
  • Sharing the Responsibility With Parents:
    Learn why parents are an important resource in problem solving.


Your Strategic Actions: Maintaining Relationships With Students

  • Ownership Is a Key to Changing Behavior:
    Learn why instilling a sense of ownership and sharing power are the most powerful creators of appropriate behavior and self-discipline at school.
  • Don't Talk Past the Point of Being Influential:
    Learn why your gains and influence can be negated by continuing on with a point after it has been made.
  • The Effective Art of Seed Planting:
    Learn how short statements of objective truth can be more powerful motivators than long conversations in getting students to change their behavior.
  • The Damaging Actions: The Put-Down, the Put-On, and the Put-Off:
    Learn three self-serving actions that can cause those who use them to fail.
  • Handling Alibis, Objections, and Complaints:
    Learn the motivation behind each of these behaviors and how to handle each one separately.
  • Sympathy and Empathy:
    Learn that without understanding the difference between sympathy and empathy, your actions may actually promote the behavior you're trying to discourage.


Your Strategic Actions: Helping Students Heal and Grow

  • The Benefit of the Doubt:
    Learn why refusing to give students the benefit of the doubt locks us and them into a future based only on past failures.
  • Changing Student Habits:
    Learn three effective ways teachers can help students change their behavior.
  • When Guilt Has Been Established:
    Learn to resolve and defuse a situation by being gentle rather than tough.
  • Taking Kids Off the Hook:
    Learn why the real issue in behavior situations is what we choose to do, not what students choose to do.
  • Every Rule Has Exceptions:
    Learn why being open and honest about making exceptions for extenuating circumstances can save you time and effort in handling behavior problems.
  • Being a Healer:
    Learn to alter difficulty in a positive way by how you think, what you say, and what you do.
  • Buying Time: A Valuable Contribution:
    Learn how powerful buying time with habitual misbehaviors can be.
  • Broad Generalizations About Behavior:
    Nineteen important things to keep in mind as you handle behavior situations.


Supporting Students Who Are Noncompliant


Strategies for Working with a Student in Crisis


Basics of Positive Behavior Support


A Positive and Preventative Approach to Classroom Discipline


An Introduction to Response to Intervention


Bullying Awareness, Prevention, and Intervention


Teaching Appropriate Social Skills to Form Relationships and Prevent Bullying


The Hidden Curriculum: Teaching Students Appropriate Social Behaviors and Skills

Social & Emotional Learning


Your First Priority: Creating the Environment for Learning

  • Understand why creating a climate that encourages, nurtures, and inspires learning is essential to increasing student interest, motivation, effort, and achievement.
  • Learn eight elements of an engaging classroom environment.


Establishing a Safe and Caring Environment

  • Learn about the importance of making sure that students feel both physically and psychologically safe in the classroom.


Designing an Environment of Cooperation and Collaboration

  • Understand the importance of cooperation and collaboration inside the classroom to prepare students for their futures outside the classroom.
  • Consider individual levels, abilities, and personalities when grouping students.
  • Understand the importance of assigning different roles or jobs for each member of a group.
  • Communicate to students both the academic and social expectations of working in a group.
  • Determine how the students will be assessed.
  • Recognize the need to mix groups of students throughout the school year.


Teacher Behaviors That Telegraph Expectations

  • Learn how to communicate high expectations to students continually and get students to accept high expectations for themselves.


A Recipe for a Respectful Classroom

  • Recognize the human need for respect and its correlation with effective classroom management.
  • Understand that in a respectful classroom, both students and teachers deserve to learn, are capable of learning, and will learn from each other.
  • Acknowledge students' individual interests, their unique approaches to learning, and the need to foster respect in the classroom.
  • Establish the connection between student privacy and a culture of respect.
  • Communicate with students using the language of respect.


Building Strong Learning Relationships and Healthy Environments with Students


The Five Relationships of Students

  • Learn how and why to look at all five student relationships when handling any kind of negative attitude or behavior.


Rewarding Relationships and Respectful Communication

  • Review the importance of building rewarding relationships and establishing effective communication in the classroom.


Make Sure Students See These Top Ten in You

  • Learn the characteristics that the most effective teachers possess and strive to perfect.


Before You Blame a Student for Not Learning

  • Study eight reasons a student may not be learning.


Students Won't Risk Losing an Advocate

  • Learn six attitudes to adopt or actions to take to become a student advocate.


Relationships Are Key to Managing Your Classroom


Defining Your Expectations and Creating Effective Rules

  • Learn and reflect on the importance of defining learning and behavior expectations for students and creating and communicating classroom rules.


Discuss the Real Issues Without Doing Damage

  • Learn nine strategies to use with students who are habitually in trouble-all of which are more effective than getting tough.



Why Be Trauma Informed?

  • Learn about some common signs of trauma in students.
  • Learn about the challenges trauma presents to learning.


Avoid Five Mistakes When Chronic Trauma is Present

  • Understand how chronic trauma can significantly influence how a student will engage and respond at school.
  • Learn common mistakes we can make and their alternatives when responding to students who experience chronic trauma.


Be Alert to Long-Term Effects of Trauma

  • Understand what some of the long-term effects of trauma can be for young people.
  • Learn a few ways to help a student who is experiencing the aftereffects of trauma.


How to Create a Sense of Belonging for All Students

  • Understand the difference between fitting in and belonging.
  • Learn ways to create and maintain a sense of belonging for all of your students.


Helping Students Work Through Anxiety

  • Learn the difference between stress and anxiety.
  • Understand how to help students manage their anxiety.

Engagement and Environment


The Elements of Engaging Instruction

  • Learn how to design engaging instruction through four teaching elements: variety, challenging working materials, relevant instruction, and feedback.


Four Ways to Craft an Engaging Assignment

  • Learn how to switch up the tasks to create a truly engaging assignment.


What it Really Means to Personalize Learning

  • Learn what personalized learning means and how, by moving toward personalization, a teacher can dramatically improve the outcomes of his or her teaching.


Seven Factors That Make Students Pay Attention to Your Teaching

  • Learn seven factors of fascination that will cause students to pay attention.


How to Keep Students Thinking When You Ask Questions

  • Learn effective strategies for presenting questions and managing responses in order to keep all students engaged and learning.


Teaching Students to Think Critically and Creatively

  • Learn how to develop and pose questions that will get students to respond critically, creatively, and positively.


Praise the Behaviors That Matter

  • Learn what type of praise actually decreases success for students, and conversely what the best ways and reasons are to give praise.


Vital Skills to Help Students Become Independent

  • Learn how to teach students to accept personal responsibility for their own learning and understand how to give students tools to help their independence work for them.


Ten Ways to Boost the Quality of Student Work

  • Learn ten specific, immediately effective techniques for increasing the quality of work students produce.


Assessing and Building "Grit"

  • Learn strategies to assess the level of grit your students possess and how to build the level of grit they need to be successful learners.


Your Role in Making Students College, Career, and Life Ready

  • Learn how to get a better sense of the dispositions that create success and how to steer students there.


Five Beliefs Shared by Highly Successful Teachers

  • Learn the five game-changing beliefs shared by the most effective teachers.


The Most Powerful Statement You Can Make to Students

  • Explore a single powerful statement that can change the way students view us and solidify our relationships with them.


You Can Change Outcomes by Finding Leverage Points

  • Learn specific guidelines for determining where his or her greatest learning leverage lies.


When to Coach, When to Mentor

  • Learn the vital difference between coaching and mentoring and when to employ each.


Times When You Shouldn't Mentor a Student

  • Discover how to take stock of a situation and know when the time is right to mentor and when it's wise to wait.


Are You Expecting Enough from Your Very Best Students?

  • Be introduced to several techniques that he or she can use to improve the performance of high-achieving students.


Why Students Need You to Keep Going

  • Learn how to become a model for students by staying focused and committed to them during the most difficult times.


Essential Classroom Management Techniques

  • Learn and review some of the most important topics related to classroom management including effective lesson planning to extend learning time, communicating expectations, and navigating students' attitudes and behavior.


How to Teach Students About Rules

  • Learn what he or she should teach students about rules and how to get students to see the need and value in rules so they'll comply and understand them.


Six Classroom Routines You Need to Teach

Learn to establish classroom routines for:

  • Entering the classroom and preparing for the lesson.
  • Helping students and answering their questions.
  • Setting expectations for organizing and supplying personal classroom supplies.
  • Facilitating class discussions.
  • Transitioning into small groups and teams.
  • Managing students leaving the classroom, both during and at the end of class.


Use Time Strategically to Increase Learning

  • Learn to understand the three types of time that exist in a school and learn to use time strategically.


Creating "Flow" Makes Everything Easier

  • Learn how to create an environment of "flow" -completely focused motivation with six effective strategies.


Ways to Handle Class Interruptions

  • Learn strategies for handling interruptions smoothly and effectively, and most importantly, with a positive attitude.


A Misbehaving Student, the Class, and You

  • Learn why it's important to respond professionally in problem situations and always be the first person to adjust.



Start Your Teaching with the End in Mind

  • Learn six basic activities to use when designing curriculum as well as the importance of using essential questions to promote student learning.


Getting Students to Operate in the Upper Levels of Bloom's Taxonomy

  • Learn strategies for getting students to learn in the upper levels of Bloom's Taxonomy: analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.


Six Ways to Make Your Teaching Stick

  • Learn how to create "sticky teaching" which leads to learning results and extended recall.


Use Six Ingredients to Accelerate Learning

  • Examine the power of combining six experience-proven and research-based instructional strategies that can accelerate learning while growing student understanding.


Tapping the Power of Flow

  • Learn the seven conditions that can create flow in the classroom, helping students perform at higher levels.


Five Questioning Techniques to Strengthen Your Teaching

  • Learn how to utilize five questioning techniques to facilitate learning.


Commanding Students' Attention and Asking the Right Questions

  • Learn strategies to capture students' attention and ask questions in ways that are clear, keep the whole class engaged, and lead students to higher levels of thinking.


Seven Secrets for Leading Deep Dialogue

  • Learn how he or she can employ key strategies for engaging in deep dialogue to become active and helpful problem-solving contributors to the larger issues facing the school or district.


Using "Brain Torque" to Increase Learning

  • Learn strategies for engaging the brains of students to create in them the capacity for deep thought, challenging analysis, and creative problem solving.

Early Career Teaching


An Eight-Step Plan for the First Day


You Must Teach to Get Results


What Can Students Expect from You?


Before You Can Manage Behavior


The One Rule You Need


Your Three Most Important Decisions


If You Want to Wow Parents


Surefire Ways to Keep Students Highly Engaged


It's the Natural Time to Step Up to a Higher Level


Six Ways to Help Students Remember What They've Learned


Make Sure Your Follow-Up Moves Students Forward


How to Talk So Students Keep Listening


Now Is the Time to Make the Most of Class Discussions


Time to Initiate a Plan for a Strong Finish


Handling Parent Complaints Realistically...and Professionally


Characteristics of a True Professional


Offer Students Opportunity Until the Last Day


What Students Need to Hear Before Leaving Your Class



Eight Techniques for Using Assessment to Improve Learning

  • Review various assessment strategies to improve student learning and understand the importance of both assessment of learning and assessment for learning.


Five Great Sentences to Measure Durable Learning

  • Explore how to make student learning so powerful it can be summed up in a simple sentence.


Using Performance Criteria to Lift Learning

  • Learn the different types of performance criteria and how they can increase student pertormance and achievement.


Lift Student Achievement with Five Types of Questions

  • Learn how the types of questions he or she asks in the classroom can build student focus, engagement, and learning.


Evaluating Levels of Student Learning and Measuring Growth

  • Learn how employing a mix of high-level and low-level cognitive questions and ensuring that tests match objectives helps accurately measure student learning and growth.



Online Safety and Data Privacy

  • Learn to protect personal data online.
  • Understand different types of malware and how to avoid them.
  • Learn about anti-virus programs and how they prevent and/or clean up a virus attack.
  • Find strategies for avoiding phishing, spoofing, and other attempts to access personal data.
  • Get helpful tips for password security.


Tools That Reveal the Information You Share When You Browse

  • Understand how your IP address can become a piece of personal data.
  • Learn how websites track and use your data.
  • Learn about filter bubbles and how they impact Google search results.
  • Learn how to view and change the ad settings in your browser.


Managing Your Digital Footprint

  • Understand what a digital footprint is how to manage it.
  • Learn about browser cookies and cache.


Keeping Student Data Private

  • Learn about personally identifiable information and how FERPA protects this information for students.
  • Learn about the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act and what constitutes consent.
  • Understand the hidden cost of free software.
  • Learn about responsible internet use for teachers and students.


Information Literacy on the Web

  • Learn to find credible, high-quality websites.
  • Distinguish fact from opinion.


Copyright Essentials

  • Learn about copyright law in the United States and why it's important.
  • Understand permissible circumstances to use or share music, images, videos, books, journals, sound recordings, and other works of original authorship.


Setting Up a Tech Boot Camp for Student Success

  • Recognize technology challenges for students and parents/caregivers.
  • Create a plan to address technology challenges that empowers students and parents/caregivers.
  • Identify resources to support the teacher, student, and parents/caregivers.
  • Generate structures to organize lessons, communications, resources, etc.

How to Teach Online


Creating the Environment for Online Learning

  • Know the elements of a well-designed workspace for teachers.
  • Know the elements of a well-designed workspace for students.
  • Learn to create a safe and supportive online learning environment.
  • Learn how to shift from instructor to facilitator.
  • Create an online resource to organize and deliver content digitally.


Formative Assessment in an Online World

  • Learn why formative assessments are necessary.
  • Understand different types of online formative assessments.
  • Understand how to implement the different types of online formative assessments.


Building and Maintaining Relationships With Students

  • Identity factors that contribute to healthy and unhealthy relationships.
  • Identify factors of relationships that are unique to online learning.
  • Identity similarities and differences in building relationships face-to-face versus online.


Creating and Maintaining Student Engagement (Part I)

  • Understand the importance of building a foundation.
  • Learn how to offer choices in an online classroom.
  • Understand how to use technology to your benefit.
  • Understand how allowing for creativity deepens engagement and learning.


Creating and Maintaining Student Engagement (Part II)

  • Understand the importance of establishing class routines and expectations for online learning.
  • Develop projects and discussion boards for online classes that foster collaboration among students and encourage higher-level thinking skills.
  • Develop lessons that incorporate play in an online classroom.
  • Incorporate authentic learning experiences into an online classroom.
  • Learn to respond to students who struggle to stay engaged in online learning.


Gaining Student Buy-In and Participation

  • Understand that there are different needs and levels of participation in online teaching versus in the physical classroom.
  • Learn ideas and strategies to engage students.
  • Identify methods for reaching the underachievers.


Utilizing Videoconferencing in the Age of Distance Learning

  • Recognize the benefits of videoconferencing and video instruction in the age of digital learning.
  • Determine the goal or purpose of each videoconference and communicate that information to all participants.
  • Examine the role of schools in preparing for videoconferencing.
  • Examine the role of teachers in preparing for videoconferencing.
  • Set videoconferencing expectations for students with the first invite.


Online Discussion Boards: Setting a Place at the Table for All Students

  • Recognize the benefits of online discussion boards for middle and high school classes in an age of distance learning.
  • Determine the goal or purpose of each online discussion.
  • Set online discussion expectations for equal student participation.
  • Examine the teacher's role in online discussions.


Forming and Maintaining the Trust Bond Between Teacher, Student, and Now Parents in the Online Learning Environment

  • Accept that all students and families will have different needs in the distance learning environment.
  • Learn methods to create and maintain relationships.
  • Identify strategies to engage students and their parents.


Getting Down to Basics and Cutting Out the Fluff

  • Learn why it is necessary to cut out the fluff in an online environment.
  • Learn methods for cutting out fluff in your curriculum.
  • Understand the basic structure for units in an online environment.


To Grade or Not to Grade

  • Understanding the different types of grading.
  • Learn why grading is important.
  • Understanding what graceful grading looks like in an online environment.


Managing Your Family While Teaching

  • Learn methods for creating a schedule for teaching at home.
  • Understand the importance of flexibility.
  • Understand the importance of self-care.
  • Learn ways to set limits and boundaries.


Tending to the Social-Emotional Needs of Students

  • Explore approaches to integrate social and emotional learning in the online or blended classroom.
  • Gain critical insight into the various facets of social and emotional learning.
  • Discuss what constitutes a meaningful relationship.
  • Reflect on personal practices and approaches when building relationships and instructing students.


Starting and Ending Online Classes

  • Learn the importance of creating a consistent structure to the classroom, especially in an online environment.
  • Analyze various theories and online tools that can be applied to the online classroom.
  • Be able to create effective opening and closing routines.


Prep 101 for an Uncertain School Year

  • Recognize how student learning environments change.
  • Learn how to define success.
  • Find ways to empower stakeholders.
  • Learn how to set boundaries.
  • Identity resources.
  • Discover ways to ask for what you need.
  • Acknowledge the role of risk, experimentation, disappointment, and failure.


The Keys to Getting Hybrid Schooling Right

  • Understand the importance of social-emotional learning.
  • Understand how to use your face-to-face time wisely.
  • Learn various tech tools to aid you.
  • Learn various strategies to cut your workload.
  • Understand the importance of flexibility.


Tips and Strategies for Concurrent Teaching

  • Understand the difference between concurrent or synchronous learning and nonconcurrent or asynchronous learning
  • Learn strategies that work in both environments.
  • Understand how to build and maintain student relationships in various learning environments.
  • Learn tips and tricks for dealing with students who regularly bounce between in-person and remote learning environments.
  • Learn some self-care strategies to ensure less burnout.

Bridge the Learning Loss Gap


Break it Down to Increase Learning

  • Learn strategies for breaking a lesson into parts to increase comprehension and learning.


Tap the Power: When Students Talk About Their Learning

  • Learn powerful strategies for causing students to learn more by creating the conditions for them to talk more.


Five Strategies Will Improve Engagement, Interaction, and Performance

  • Learn five ways to build an interactive classroom where engagement is always at high levels.


Use Student Voice and Choice to Build Ownership

  • Examine three types of choices that include student voices and contribute to students accepting responsibility and ownership for learning.


You Really Can and Must Make Learning Fun

  • Learn why a classroom environment that learners find enjoyable, purposeful, and challenging can accelerate their progress and increase their long-term memory.


Six Ways You Can Help Students Think Clearly

  • Learn how to help students develop clear-thinking skills.


Relating Curricular Content to Real-World Scenarios

  • Learn how to help students see the relevancy and real-world applications of what is being taught in the classroom.


Recognizing and Overcoming Learning Blocks

  • Learn useful tips for recognizing and overcoming students' learning blocks.


Teach Students When and How to Ask for Help

  • Learn how to nurture students' ability to know when and how to ask for help.


Never Forget: The Word "Each" is Within "Teacher"

  • Learn how showing both students and parents the word "each" in "teacher" is an insightful, convincing, comforting, and effective message.


Leading Students Out of the Fear Zone

  • Learn how five actions can replace a culture of fear with a culture of success.


Design Questions to Get the Learning You Seek

  • Learn how to push students to connect knowledge to real-life applications.


Use Think Time to Assess What Students Really Know

  • Learn how to effectively increase the amount of time students are given to answer questions, so that the teacher will have a better idea of what students truly know.


How to Teach Students to Assess Their Learning

  • Learn why it's important for students to be able to assess their own learning and strategies to teach them to do so.


Five Facets of Feedback That Increase Achievement

  • Discover five essential components of powerful feedback that increase achievement.


Integrating, Arts Into the Classroom

  • Understand what arts integration entails.
  • Learn how arts integration creates student engagement.
  • Understand that arts integration leads to more authentic learning experiences.
  • Learn that allowing for student choice increases student engagement.
  • Find tips and tricks for facilitating arts integration.

Master Educators


What Schooling Should Be

  • Understand what it means to be a future-ready learner and recognize how this is different from the past.
  • Learn about the any-collar workplace and how to prepare students for it.


Designing the Right Outcomes

  • Learn how to determine the right learning outcomes for students.
  • Understand what it means to codesign learning paths with students.


How "The Experience" Ignites Learning

  • Understand that the opportunities we give students in school determine the type of learners they become.
  • Learn that in order to integrate real-world experiences in our classrooms, we must carve out time for trial, error, and uncertainty.


Exploring New Geographies for Mastery

  • Learn that attending to the meaning students see in their learning helps us gauge students' mastery of their learning.
  • Understand that multidimensional assessments give students a vehicle to show their preparedness for the future.


Preparing Students for a Changing World

  • Learn that preparing students for future life, work, and citizenship requires more than exposure to a robust, traditional curriculum.
  • Understand that strengthening the link between education and the economy requires students to develop soft skills and dispositions that contribute to college, career, and life readiness.


How Learning Happens Part 1: Learning Redefined!

  • Understand where beliefs about learning originated.
  • Sufficiently understand what is known about learning to effectively influence instructional decisions.


How Learning Happens Part 2: Expanding Our View of Learning

  • Review several early theories of learning.
  • Understand the connection between learning and experience.


How Learning Happens Part 3: Teaching so Students Remember

  • Learn about the different forms of memory.
  • Understand how to use exprience and perception to retain information.


How Learning Happens Part 4: How Does the Brain Understand What It Acquires?

  • Understand that learning is based on associations.
  • Learn the different ways we can assimilate, accommodate, or reject new information.


How Learning Happens Part 5: How Is Memory Stored?

  • Learn the important processes of moving information from short-term to long-term memory.
  • Understand how information is retrieved from memory.


Relating to a New Generation of Parents

  • Learn how Millennial parenting styles are different from the past and how that affects your classroom.
  • Understand how to best communicate with Millennial parents.


Teacher Leaders: Why Become One?

  • Understand that teachers are well positioned to embrace leadership opportunities from the role they currently occupy.
  • Learn that the requisite skills and dispositions to be an effective teacher leader can be learned, perfected, and refined.


Teacher Leadership In the Classroom

  • Learn how to become the kind of teacher students will follow because they want to, not because they have to.
  • Learn to turn classroom leadership into a reciprocal process.

Teaching Students with Exceptionalities


An Introduction to IDEA's 13 Areas of Disability (Part I)

  • Identity the disabilities included under the IDEA legislation.
  • Learn characteristics and intervention suggestions for students with learning disabilities.
  • Learn characteristics and intervention suggestions for students with emotional disturbance.
  • Learn characteristics and intervention suggestions for students with intellectual disabilities.
  • Learn characteristics and intervention suggestions for students with orthopedic impairment.
  • Learn characteristics and intervention suggestions for students with other health impairments.


An Introduction to IDEA's 13 Areas of Disability (Part II)

  • Identify the disabilities included under the IDEA legislation.
  • Learn characteristics and intervention suggestions for students with speech and language impairment.
  • Learn characteristics and intervention suggestions for students with visual | impairment.
  • Learn characteristics and intervention suggestions for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
  • Learn characteristics and intervention suggestions for students with traumatic brain injury.
  • Learn characteristics and intervention suggestions for students with autism spectrum disorder.
  • Learn characteristics and intervention suggestions for students with developmental delay.
  • Learn characteristics and intervention suggestions for students with ADHD.
  • Learn characteristics and intervention suggestions for gifted students.


Understanding ADHD

  • Learn the definition and characteristics of ADHD.
  • Identify the symptoms of ADHD.
  • Discover the prevalence of ADHD.
  • Investigate the various treatment approaches for ADHD.
  • Learn the best ways to educate students with ADHD.
  • Identify the best accommodation ideas and instructional techniques for students with ADHD.


Understanding Common Concerns of Families of Individuals with Disabilities

  • Develop an understanding of the common concerns faced by families of individuals with disabilities.
  • Become aware that parents want you to have high expectations for their children with disabilities.
  • Learn what actions you can take to address safety concerns of parents.
  • Understand your role in helping positively shape the attitudes of others toward individuals with disabilities.
  • Identity ways to ease transitions for students with disabilities and their families.


Interventions for Supporting the Achievement of Students with Speech and Language Impairments

  • Understand the definitions of different language impairments.
  • Identify ways to treat students' communication disorders.
  • Learn the sequence of successful learning for a student with language delays.
  • Review strategies for improving listening skills to increase language skills in the classroom.
  • Discover ways to increase student comprehension by checking for understanding.


The Importance of Academic Assessments in Special Education

  • Learn terminology associated with academic assessments.
  • Identify the importance of collecting baseline data.
  • Pinpoint ways to use assessment data to determine present levels of performance.
  • Assess the types of data that are used to show and monitor progress.
  • Discover how different types of assessment can influence student learning.
  • Explain why assessments are important sources of information for those who teach and support students with special needs.


Assisting Struggling Readers with Their Textbook Assignments

  • Discuss difficulties that struggling readers might have when navigating a textbook.
  • Identify the characteristics of expository text.
  • Review three features of textbooks that can influence a student's understanding of textbook material.
  • Understand the broad benefits of intervention strategies for struggling readers.
  • Discover strategies for supporting reading fluency.
  • Learn strategies for supporting concentration and organization.
  • Review strategies for supporting reading comprehension.
  • Identify strategies for assisting students to be self-motivated and competent readers


Motivating Gifted Learners

  • Learn the importance of motivation to the achievement of gifted learners.
  • Debunk myths associated with gifted learners.
  • Discuss why some gifted learners perform below their ability.
  • Identity strategies that will help motivate gifted learners.


Seven Crucial Steps to Differentiate Your Teaching

  • Learn key premises and actions to challenge and support each student through differentiation.


Differentiated Instruction: A Firm Foundation for Learning and Instruction

  • Gain strategies for creating a differentiated classroom by focusing on the importance of understanding students' skill levels, individual interests, and learning styles.


Adjusting Lessons to Meet Student Needs

  • Learn how to motivate students by adjusting lessons to meet students' needs and interests.


Modifying Instruction and Assessment to Increase Learning

  • Learn to modify instructional and assessment techniques to help students learn, complete assignments, study effectively, and demonstrate what they have learned.


How Student Differences Can Enrich Your Teaching

  • Learn how students who bring "differences" to our classroom can be a gift to teachers' continued learning as professional educators.


Effectively Using Cooperative Groups and Ability Grouping

  • Review strategies and best practices for effectively using both cooperative groups and ability grouping in the classroom.


Issues Involved in Making Modifications

  • Learn about the issues of fairness, grading, and sharing information when it comes to making modifications in the general classroom.


Supporting Organizational Skill Development

  • Gain a basic understanding of the role that instruction in organizational skill strategies plays in assisting students to focus on the learning process and accomplish an academic task independently.
  • Be able to teach organizational strategies.
  • Learn suggestions for providing feedback to students.
  • Know strategies to use when working with students on teacher-pleasing behavior, understanding and completing assignments, reading textbooks, taking tests, writing paragraphs, and understanding concepts.
  • Understand how to assist students in becoming proficient, strategic learners.


Introduction to Accommodations and Modifications

  • Learn the reason for the inclusion of students with special needs in the general classroom.
  • Distinguish informal modifications from specified modifications.
  • Identity a variety of reasons for making student modifications.
  • Understand basic concepts associated with making modifications.


Differences Between Instructional and Curricular Modifications

  • Define instructional modifications (accommodations) and curricular | modifications (modifications).
  • Become familiar with the different levels of modifications.
  • Distinguish between accommodations and modifications.
  • Describe the process of defining and developing curricular modifications.
  • Learn strategies for making curricular modifications.
  • Understand the importance of monitoring and documenting student progress.


Creating Accommodations-General Strategies

  • Define instructional modifications (accommodations).
  • Identify basic accommodation information and tips.
  • Learn about accommodations for students with learning disabilities.
  • Explore accommodation strategies for students with behavior disorders.
  • Examine suggestions for accommodating students with intellectual disabilities.
  • Become familiar with accommodation strategies for students with autism spectrum disorder.
  • Learn about accommodating students with attention disorders.


Specific Accommodation Ideas

  • Think about strategies for helping students with special needs.
  • Review strategies for questioning students.
  • Examine options for extending time given for assignments and tests.
  • Explore ideas for shortening assignments.
  • Discover ways to prompt students to recall information.
  • Understand how task analysis can help students with special needs.
  • Learn tips for adapting study guides.
  • Understand the role of assistive technology in accommodating student needs.
  • Examine two different ways to approach assessment accommodations.
  • Identify appropriate accommodations as prescription medicine for students with special needs.


Taking Instructional or Behavioral Data

  • Understand the purpose of instructional or behavioral data collection.
  • Review tips for successful data collection.
  • Discover various methods for collecting instructional data.
  • Examine various methods for collecting behavioral data.
  • Learn how to make good decisions based on data.


Confidentiality, FERPA, and HIPAA

  • Be able to state the legal basis for keeping information confidential about students served by special education.
  • Discover the types of student information and who has access to that information.
  • Explore ways to avoid sharing confidential information.
  • Identify ways to maintain confidentiality in the community and in the classroom.
  • Learn how to answer questions involving confidential information about students.
  • Learn the basic requirements of FERPA for serving students with disabilities in the school setting.
  • Understand the intent of HIPAA and its effect on schools.


Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

  • Learn that conflict can have both positive and negative results.
  • Discover how conflict affects special education.
  • Define conflict.
  • Understand common responses to conflict.
  • Become familiar with a problem-solving and conflict resolution process.
  • Identity six steps to collaborative problem solving.


Coordinating an Effective IP Meeting

  • Discover the importance of the lEP development process.
  • Understand the purpose of an IEP meeting.
  • Learn proactive steps to take before an IEP meeting
  • Identity ways to ensure a productive IEP meeting.
  • Learn effective IEP meeting follow-up measures.
  • Develop strategies for enhancing an IEP meeting.
  • Learn strategies for handling unusual circumstances related to IEP meetings.


Effective Communication Skills

  • Understand the importance of effective communication.
  • Learn the elements of the communication process.
  • Learn strategies to send effective verbal messages.
  • Understand the importance of listening and the elements of the process.
  • Learn about nonverbal and paraverbal communication.
  • Understand factors that affect communication.


The Role of Each IEP Team Member

  • Identify various team members who could have a role in the IEP process.
  • Understand the role each IEP team member plays in developing and implementing a student's IEP.
  • Understand the responsibilities of the IEP case manager.


Supporting Parents of Children with Disabilities Through the IEP Process (Part I)

  • Review the definition of "parent" according to IDEA 2004.
  • Identify who should be included on the IEP team.
  • Determine the importance of parental involvement in the IEP process.
  • Understand the grief cycle that parents of children with disabilities experience.
  • Identify the barriers that may prevent culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) parents from participating in the IEP process.
  • Understand how to support families of children with disabilities through the beginning stages of the lEP process.


Supporting Parents of Children with Disabilities Through the IEP Process (Part II)

  • Identify ways to support parents of children with disabilities before the lEP meeting.
  • Review how to support parents on the day of the IEP meeting
  • Learn tips for facilitating effective IEP meetings.
  • Discuss ways to support parents after the lEP meeting is over.
  • Learn how to guarantee high-quality translating services.
  • Know how to utilize progress report meetings effectively.


Special Education Service Delivery: Inclusive to Self-Contained Classrooms

  • Differentiate between direct and indirect special education services.
  • Learn the six settings associated with the special education continuum of services and identify the three which serve the largest numbers of students.
  • Identify characteristics of inclusive, resource, and self-contained settings.
  • Identify tips and suggestions for teachers working in or supporting inclusive, resource, or self-contained settings.
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of teachers for inclusive, resource, and self-contained settings.


Working with Paraeducators (Part I)

  • Define the job title of paraeducator and acquire knowledge of general characteristics.
  • Identify common myths about paraeducators.
  • Recognize paraeducator accommodation and modification guidelines.
  • Recognize the importance of providing an orientation to the classroom.
  • Learn to define specific paraeducator duties.
  • Identify strategies for planning with paraeducators.
  • Describe various instructional arrangements for teachers and paraeducators.


Working with Paraeducators (Part II)

  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of the teacher as a supervisor of paraeducators.
  • Differentiate the roles of official and immediate supervisor and identify specific responsibilities of classroom teachers as immediate supervisors.
  • Identify tips, strategies, and suggestions for effective supervision of paraeducators.
  • Learn effective strategies for dealing with paraeducators assigned to classrooms.
  • Understand the classroom teacher's role in paraeducator performance evaluation.
  • Learn effective strategies for dealing with classroom instructional problems involving the paraeducator.


Co-Teaching: Basic Training for Educators

  • Define co-teaching and its essential elements.
  • Identify the rationale for using a co-teach model and its benefit to students.
  • Give non-examples of co-teaching basics.
  • Describe different models of co-teaching.
  • Explain the specific responsibilities of the general education and special education teacher.
  • Name fundamental issues to consider prior to implementing a co-teaching model.
  • Understand how to determine the effectiveness of co-teaching efforts.


Co-Teaching: Our Classroom, Our Students

  • Learn about five co-teaching methods as well as the advantages of co-teaching.



Understanding Dyslexia

  • Define dyslexia.
  • Examine the background of historical educational mandates regarding dyslexia.
  • Recognize the characteristics of dyslexia.
  • Identify some myths and misconceptions about the characteristics of dyslexia.
  • Explore appropriate research-based reading assessments to help identify students with dyslexia prior to referral to special education programs.


Recognizing Dyslexia in Emergent Readers

  • Examine research on the carly signs of and risk factors for dyslexia.
  • Explore the importance of a universal screener for specific learning disabilities, including dyslexia.
  • Examine the importance of oral language and phonemic awareness in early literacy.
  • Create a toolbox of research-based strategies to use with emergent readers.


Strategies for Struggling Readers and Dyslexia Grades 3-5

  • Utilize reading interest surveys and informal reading inventories to get to know students.
  • Employ research-based strategies for flexible grouping in order to assist struggling readers and students with a reading disability, including dyslexia.
  • Utilize research-based best practices for determining intensive interventions for struggling readers in fluency and vocabulary to increase reading comprehension.
  • Use research-based accommodations for struggling readers in the general education classroom setting.
  • Develop a toolbox of graphic organizers and free assessments for timed fluency rate and sight word recognition that will provide data for struggling readers that need intensive interventions.


Using Text Structures and Dyslexia Grades 6 and Up

  • Recognize the importance of visual representation for instructing students with dyslexia.
  • Identify the five types of text structures.
  • Recognize some of the most common signal words for each nonfiction text structure.
  • Utilize the appropriate research-based graphic organizer for each type of text structure.

English Language Learners


Language Concepts

  • Define social language and identify its role in English language learning and for instructional purposes.
  • Define academic language and identify its role in English language learning and in content learning.
  • Differentiate between social and academic language in the development of English language proficiency.
  • Identify the role of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in traditional foreign and second language classrooms.
  • Describe social and academic listening and speaking tasks.
  • Describe social and academic reading and writing tasks.
  • Name different models of second language teaching that integrate listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.


Factors Affecting English Language Learners

  • Describe characteristics unique to English language learners.
  • Discuss the role that prior learning experiences have on second language learning.
  • Identify and discuss different social, cultural, and environmental factors that affect English language learners.
  • Recognize individual learner characteristics that influence second language learning.
  • Describe different learning styles and strategies of second language learning.


Types of ELL Programs

  • Learn about different factors that play a role in choosing an ESL program.
  • Name the main characteristics of each type of program and distinguish between each of them.
  • Define the terms related to different ESL programs (mainstream, immersion, etc.).
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of ESL program.


ELL Family and Community Involvement

  • Examine the role of the family of EB students.
  • Explain common barriers to communication between schools and families of English language learners.
  • Discover ways that schools can improve communication and facilitate parent involvement.
  • Learn measures that emergent bilinguals' parents or guardians can take to foster their child's academic development.
  • Identify ways to access community resources to enhance EB students' education.


Levels of English Language Proficiency

  • Define the different components of language.
  • Discuss the role of cultural competence in language learning.
  • Explain the concept of language transfer.
  • Name the levels of English language proficiency and describe how English language learners perform at each level.


Building and Activating Background Knowledge

  • Define different types of background knowledge.
  • Explain the difference between activating and building on background knowledge.
  • Identify and give examples of different techniques to activate background knowledge.
  • Learn about different techniques that can be used to build background knowledge.
  • Describe methods of working with text, video, and other media.


Common Language Difficulties

  • Identify some common language difficulties of English language learners.
  • Examine figurative language and its challenges for ELLs.
  • Describe problems that idioms may present for students.
  • Learn about false cognates and the confusion they may cause for learners.


Appealing to Multiple Learning Styles

  • Describe different learning styles and the aspects of learning styles associated with second language learning.
  • Learn tips and techniques that appeal to visual learners.
  • Identify strategies that appeal to auditory learners.
  • Discover ways to reach tactile and kinesthetic learners.


Reading Strategies for English Language Learners

  • Review the role of background knowledge in reading comprehension.
  • Identify five ways to help students process information.
  • Describe different text structures and identify graphic organizers that can help students understand and identify text structures.
  • Learn different note-taking strategies that will help students with reading comprehension.
  • Describe strategies you can use with students to help them remember important information after reading a text.


Reading Activities for English Language Learners

  • Examine different types of classroom activities that can be used to engage
  • English language learners in the reading process.
  • Learn about cooperative learning strategies for ELLs and how the strategies can be applied to reading.
  • Describe different strategies for ELLs' independent reading activities.


Methods of Assessing and Checking Comprehension

  • Learn about and differentiate among types of assessments including formative, summative, portfolio, formal, and informal.
  • Discover classroom techniques such as questioning, discussing, and summarizing to assess and check students' comprehension.
  • Discuss verbal and nonverbal responses such as body language, silence, and intonation that ELLs may have to instruction.


Common Grammatical Difficulties

  • Identify some common language difficulties of English language learners.
  • Anticipate problems that count and noncount nouns may present for students.
  • Learn about the use of articles and the confusion they may cause for learners.
  • Discover some tips and strategies for addressing grammatical difficulties.


Classroom Management Strategies

  • Discuss various elements of classroom management.
  • Examine the role of pair and small group work in classroom management.
  • Define, understand, and incorporate flexible grouping.
  • Discover ways to manage uncomfortable silences.
  • Identify ways to allow more processing time for students.


Building a Supportive Classroom Learning Environment

  • Learn about different types of anxiety that English language learners may experience in the classroom.
  • Discover some of the sources of language learning anxiety.
  • Learn about classroom strategies for building a supportive and engaging classroom environment.
  • Describe technological methods for reducing learner anxiety.


Methods of Vocabulary Instruction

  • Examine the importance of vocabulary in language learning.
  • Define content words and examine strategies for teaching content words and helping students to use and retain them.
  • List process and function words and learn techniques for teaching them.
  • Discover why learning word parts can aid emergent bilinguals.
  • Discuss techniques for working with suffixes, prefixes, and root words.


Using Self-Corrective Techniques

  • Recognize when English language learners are requesting assistance.
  • Determine when and how frequently to correct students' errors.
  • Learn how to help ELLs self-correct by employing nonverbal cues.
  • Examine how to use rephrasing and reformulation techniques to help students self-correct.


Strategies for ELL Content Learning

  • Learn about and differentiate between content-based and sheltered ESL
    instruction models.
  • Learn how these models can motivate students and prepare them for mainstream classes.
  • Describe and give examples of content and language objectives.
  • Recall different types of activities and student groupings and apply them to content area instruction.
  • Review informal comprehension checks and understand how rubrics can be used to assess comprehension.


Scaffolding Part 1

  • Define scaffolding.
  • Understand why, when, and how emergent bilinguals need scaffolding.


Scaffolding Part 2

  • Learn different kinds of scaffolding that you can include in your classroom practice.
  • Consider and create scaffolds that are necessary for your classroom.