
All New Every Year

36 titles delivered weekly with 18 hours of coursework annually!

Titles for the 2025 - 2026 School Year

  1. Start By Crafting How You Want To Be Perceived
  2. Build Classroom Routines With Five Brain-Friendly Strategies
  3. When Counseling A Student For The First Time
  4. The First Step To Changing Misbehavior
  1. Nine Success-Generating Behaviors That Do Not Require Talent
  2. Nine Ways To Manage Cognitive Load And Increase Learning
  3. Stay Close To Underachievers
  4. Three Keys To Effective Persuasion
  1. A Recipe For Failure: Ignoring Background Knowledge
  2. The Link Between Student Gratitude And Achievement
  3. Why We Must Help Students Develop Their Academic Identity
  4. Effective Techniques For Responding To Alibis, Objections And Complaints
  1. When Students Don’t Participate
  2. Motivating A Lazy Student
  3. When Students Need Us To Be On High Alert
  4. Six Priceless Gifts That Cost Us Nothing
  1. How To Develop And Practice Mental Toughness
  2. When Talented Students Struggle
  3. Six Motivational Secrets From Research You Can Use Now
  4. Seven Drivers Of Life-Changing Learning
  1. Avoid The Culprits That Lead To Communication Failures
  2. Help Students Learn Better And Remember Longer
  3. Students’ Hands Tell You What Their Words Don’t
  4. The Best Questions For Learning Are Not Always Ours
  1. How And Why To Nurture “Pluck”
  2. Five Questions To Supercharge Your Teaching Practice
  3. Secrets For Handling A Parent’s Never-Ending Requests
  4. Maximize The Impact Of Your Responses To Students
  1. Ways To Prepare Students For Global Citizenship
  2. You Really Can Make Professional Disagreements Productive
  3. Six Ways To Take Care Of Yourself In The Final Weeks
  4. Courage: Knowing When To Stand Up And When To Sit Down
  1. If You Had The Advantage Of A Do-Over…
  2. The Surprising Benefits Of Giving Back To The Profession
  3. Six Reflections For A Productive End To The Year
  4. Help Students See How Far They’ve Come
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