Ignite PD Activity: Building Expectations That Influence
Ignite PD Activity: Building Expectations That Influence
We know that high expectations can lead to higher levels of learning. However, expectations only matter if students respect and respond to them. This activity guides participants in unpacking and establishing expectations to which students will respond. Journals created specifically for the activity share five key elements that lead to expectations that influence students, which participants have the opportunity to explore and reflect upon. They consider each element from the perspective of students and how it might impact them. Participants are supported in discussing and examining the expectations they hold for students, how students are likely to perceive them, and how their expectations can play a more powerful role in learning.
Engagement Strategy: Facilitator-Led Reflection and Pair Sharing
Purpose: Relationship Building
Time Required: 45-60 minutes
Includes a journal with your school logo on the cover and five elements for building expectations that influence inside for each participant!