Ignite PD Activity: Choosing Mindsets That Promote Sanity, Satisfaction, and Success
Ignite PD Activity: Choosing Mindsets That Promote Sanity, Satisfaction, and Success
We can’t always choose what happens to us, but we can always choose how we will respond. Within our choices lies the potential to change our outlook and find greater satisfaction, higher levels of sanity, and a larger measure of success. This activity utilizes affinity choices, discussions, and reflection to support participants as they explore six powerful mindsets. The mindsets combine a measure of permission to be human, aspiration for what could be, and inspiration to turn hopes into reality. At the conclusion of the activity, each participant takes with them a card deck containing the mindsets to remind and inspire when needed.
Engagement Strategy: Facilitator-Led
Reflection and Pair Sharing
Purpose: Adult Efficacy
Time Required: 30-40 Minutes
Includes six mindset cards in an envelope for each participant!