The Principal's Playbook to Making Every Day Count
Item # 111020$39.95
A comprehensive resource for principals with lessons, checklists, communication tips, leadership strategies, and reflection questions to help you stay focused and specific actions for running your school smoothly and efficiently.
Each chapter focuses on a different area of a principal's work, whether you're in your first year as principal or your twenty-first.
Lessons Include
Section I: Getting Off to a Good Start
Demonstrating Your Leadership from the First Day
Giving New Teachers a Boost
Establishing School Discipline Guidelines
Communicating with Parents
Communicating with the Public
Developing a Strong School Community
Section II: Navigating the Critical Middle
Climbing to Shared Leadership
Managing Troublesome Staff Issues
Engaging Students with Good Teaching Practices
Aligning the Curriculum to the Standards
Reinvigorating Yourself and Your School
Promoting Positive Customer Service
Section III: Finishing Strong
Preparing for a Strong Finish
Conferencing with Parents
Recruiting and Hiring Good People
Transitioning to a New Year
Improving Through Evaluations and Exit Interviews
Wrapping It Up—Planning Year-End Events
Section IV: Making the Most of Summer
Reflecting, Renewing, and Restarting
Creating a Unified Staff
Updating Technology Policies and Equipment
Placing Students with Special Needs
Preparing to Be a Teacher of Teachers
Connecting with Students
Each chapter focuses on a different area of a principal's work, whether you're in your first year as principal or your twenty-first.
Lessons Include
Section I: Getting Off to a Good Start
Demonstrating Your Leadership from the First Day
Giving New Teachers a Boost
Establishing School Discipline Guidelines
Communicating with Parents
Communicating with the Public
Developing a Strong School Community
Section II: Navigating the Critical Middle
Climbing to Shared Leadership
Managing Troublesome Staff Issues
Engaging Students with Good Teaching Practices
Aligning the Curriculum to the Standards
Reinvigorating Yourself and Your School
Promoting Positive Customer Service
Section III: Finishing Strong
Preparing for a Strong Finish
Conferencing with Parents
Recruiting and Hiring Good People
Transitioning to a New Year
Improving Through Evaluations and Exit Interviews
Wrapping It Up—Planning Year-End Events
Section IV: Making the Most of Summer
Reflecting, Renewing, and Restarting
Creating a Unified Staff
Updating Technology Policies and Equipment
Placing Students with Special Needs
Preparing to Be a Teacher of Teachers
Connecting with Students