CASE Leadership Series Book 4: Management of Resources

Item # 141123


CASE Leadership Series Book 4: Effective and Efficient Management of Resources provides the legislative information necessary to become an effective special education leader. The readings will help you understand the priorities and obligations of the federal government, as well as how to develop and create systems in your district that address those priorities and obligations.

Chapter titles include:

Continuous Improvement Monitoring Processes (Local and State)
State Performance Plan and Indicators
Funding and Budget Development
Results-Driven Accountability
Value-Added Measures and Teacher Evaluation Systems
Data, Instruction, and Technology
Strategic Thinking, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
Political Advocacy and Activism at the Local, State, and National Levels
Public Relations and Marketing Considerations

Each chapter ends with a series of summary points that serve as a quick reference point for special education leaders.

About the CASE Leadership Series:

All books in the series are written by members of the Council of Administrators of Special Education and published by The Master Teacher. Each book focuses on the essential skills and knowledge bases for the following educators:
  • New special education administrators.
  • Veteran special education administrators.
  • All other school personnel (including principals) charged with leading programs and services in support of students with disabilities.


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CASE Leadership Series Book 4: Management of Resources