CASE Leadership Series Book 3: Organizational Change

Item # 141122


CASE Leadership Series Book 3: Organizational Change: Transformative Leadership for Special Education, focuses on the complex topic of organizational change.

The most effective approaches to accessing the general education curriculum for students with disabilities require changes in how teachers position their work with students in the classroom, other teachers and education professionals, and the broader community they serve. This is not easily accomplished, and it relies on the creation of a compelling vision of future success that guides the commitments of teachers and other service providers.

Through a variety of real-life case studies and their own experiences, the authors demonstrate the challenges and rewards of organizational change.

Chapter titles include:

The Six Secrets of RTI Success: Using What We Know to Tend Change to Improve Outcomes for All Students
Concerns-Based Change: Change Begins with the Individual
Ecological Systems Change: Orchestration of Diversity
Collaboration Is Rocket Science
Managing the Change Process
Improving Outcomes for All Students: It Takes Systemic Transformation, Not Just Reform
Implementation Research and Practices
Sustaining Change: The Ultimate Goal
Putting It All Together: Organizational Change for Growth

About the CASE Leadership Series:

All books in the series are written by members of the Council of Administrators of Special Education and published by The Master Teacher. Each book focuses on the essential skills and knowledge bases for the following educators:
  • New special education administrators.
  • Veteran special education administrators.
  • All other school personnel (including principals) charged with leading programs and services in support of students with disabilities.


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CASE Leadership Series Book 3: Organizational Change