CASE Leadership Series Book 2: Trends and Issues

Item # 141121


CASE Leadership Series Book 2: Trends and Issues Affecting Education and the Provision of Special Education Services explores topics that have historically and are currently affecting the provision of services for students with disabilities.

The role of special education leader is dynamic and ever-changing. It’s essential that all administrators understand the trends in society, in the political arena, and in the practices within schools so that they can assist their school and district with helping each student attain the skills he or she needs to be an active and contributing member of his or her community.

Chapter titles include:

Societal and Economic Trends Affecting Public Education
The Globalization of Education
The Federal Impact on Public Education
Trends and Issues in Special Education
Role of the Special Education Leader in Transforming Education

At the end of each chapter, a set of questions are posed for consideration that may inform, direct, and assist in school or district planning in order to meet the needs of all students and, in particular, the needs of students with disabilities.

About the CASE Leadership Series:

All books in the series are written by members of the Council of Administrators of Special Education and published by The Master Teacher. Each book focuses on the essential skills and knowledge bases for the following educators:
  • New special education administrators.
  • Veteran special education administrators.
  • All other school personnel (including principals) charged with leading programs and services in support of students with disabilities.


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CASE Leadership Series Book 2: Trends and Issues