In Your Corner
Leadership and Change Management
Reconnecting with Staff
Welcoming staff back after the summer break is always an important part of the process of renewing relationships and positioning the organization for success in the new year. This year, the process is even more important. Not only is this the start of a new school term, it represents the first time many staff members may have been physically present in school since face-to-face instruction was interrupted in the spring.
Many staff members will likely be returning with “unfinished business” from the spring. For some, the spring was a bewildering, stress-filled experience that undermined their confidence and left them feeling as though no matter how hard they tried, they were unable to find their professional stride. They found themselves unable to reach students in the ways to which they were accustomed. For others, the spring was a time of loneliness and separation that left them longing for connections and mutual support. Still others may have learned new skills and discovered new tools to support learning. Now they want to find ways to integrate what they have learned within the teaching and learning context they will experience as school opens. With this reality in mind, we can employ a three-step process for welcoming staff regardless of the experience they may have had during the final months of the spring term.
First, staff members need to hear that we understand the experience, challenges, and difficulties they faced. They need to know that we appreciate their flexibility, conscientiousness, and commitment despite the circumstances. Further, they want to be reassured of our confidence in their ability to meet the challenges that lie ahead. Of course, they need to hear these sentiments in our words, but they also need to feel it in the tone of our messages. Their assurance of our empathy, confidence in them, and commitment to support their success can have a powerful influence on how they will begin the year.
Second, staff members need to see and feel these messages in our actions. We can start by adopting the phrase “tell me” as we engage with employees. As examples:
- Tell me what you need.
- Tell me how I can help.
- Tell me how you are feeling.
- Tell me what questions you have.

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- Teachers
- Administrators
- Paraeducators
- Support Staff
- Substitute Teachers

- Teachers
- Administrators
- Paraeducators
- Support Staff
- Substitute Teachers
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