The Master Teacher Blog

The Master Teacher Blog
Providing you, the K-12 leader, with the help you need to lead with clarity, credibility, and confidence in a time of enormous change.
Five Benefits of Positive Student Relationships That Will Surprise You

Five Benefits of Positive Student Relationships That Will Surprise You

Even today, some people argue that teachers don’t have to build strong connections with students in order to teach them. However, experience and a growing body of research point to the importance and impact of teacher-student relationships as a driving force for learning, especially for students who otherwise struggle in school. The fact is that learning does not happen for many students without positive relationships with their teachers.  

We know that when teachers take time to listen, show interest, and develop strong, positive relationships with students, the payoff can be seen in increased student engagement, improved behavior, and elevated academic performance. We also know that for students who often struggle, have difficulty fitting in, or otherwise find school to be a challenge, a strong relationship with even one teacher can make a significant difference in those students’ school attendance, sense of belonging, and feelings of hope. Strong relationships with students can also lead to greater levels of satisfaction and lessened levels of stress and anxiety for teachers.  

Yet, beyond these obvious benefits of strong student-teacher relationships lie benefits that often go unobserved, despite the impact they can have on students and teachers alike. Here are five of these benefits worth noting.  

First, strong student-teacher relationships can lead to decreased aggression and oppositional behaviors for as long as four years. A 2016 study reported that strong relationships have even been shown to be as effective as anti-bullying initiatives. 

Second, strong positive relationships with teachers can improve students’ health even into adulthood. A 2020 study published by the American Psychological Association found that participants who had strong relationships with their teachers in middle and high school experienced better health into their mid-20s. Interestingly, however, strong relationships with peers did not lead to the same results.

Third, students with influential teacher relationships are more likely to enroll in college. A study conducted by researchers at Harvard and the University of Virginia found that students who experienced strong, positive relationships with a high school teacher, counselor, or coach were nearly 10 percent more likely to enroll in college than a matched sample of peers.

Fourth, when teachers have strong relationships with students, their relationships with parents are typically better and more productive. Levels of trust tend to be higher, which makes parent conferences more productive, and even calls home with less-than-positive news are better received when parents know that we care about and have a strong relationship with their child.

Fifth, a recent study at the University of Missouri found that teachers who have positive relationships with their students tend to use more complex, high-impact instructional practices. They are more likely to take risks associated with challenging instructional practices and generate improved student achievement. The study noted that these practices also lead to increased professional success and satisfaction.

We know that having positive relationships with students can make our work each day easier and more satisfying, but they also create a better environment within which students can learn. Surprisingly, these relationships have significant staying power and can impact students’ lives long after they leave us. Without question, they are more than worth the effort.

Six Ways to Develop a Powerful Culture of Learning

Six Ways to Develop a Powerful Culture of Learning

As teachers, we can become frustrated with students who seem interested only in the grades they receive rather than valuing the learning they gain. We can also struggle to motivate students who seem to not buy into traditional motivators to complete their work and meet expectations. Further, we can find ourselves feeling disappointed in students who appear to have great potential but only do the bare minimum of what is required.  

What if we could create a learning environment in which students placed a high value on learning—for the sake of learning? What if students persisted in learning efforts even when they make mistakes and struggle? And what if students wanted to learn more about a concept or skill than we have planned to teach? Sound impossible? Here are six strategies we can employ to move students from a passive culture of compliance to a powerful culture of learning.  

First, make learning the focus. To do this, we can value ideas, notice progress, and encourage insight over the assignment of grades. We need to position grades as a reflection of learning—not the reason for it. For example, we might delay the assignment of grades for as long as possible, and we need to be clear about the learning-based criteria that lead to grades. We can frequently and meaningfully remind students that learning is what matters most. In fact, while what one knows may have been their most valuable asset in the past, the skill and drive to learn are what will be valued most in the future.  

Second, honor mistakes. Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. Specifically, mistakes in learning help us to understand what is yet to be learned. Mistakes happen most often at the leading edge of learning. When we create classroom and learning conditions where mistakes are mined for learning and are used to guide inquiry, embarrassment retreats and learning grows. In other areas of life, students grasp that mistakes are natural and valuable to learning (think video games, sports, and learning to play a musical instrument). We can draw on the role—and value—mistakes play in other areas of life to reassure students and encourage them to leverage and learn from mistakes in academic learning, too.  

Third, value struggle. It’s a fact that when learning is not accompanied by a challenge, it’s likely that very little learning is actually happening. Struggle is most likely to be present when new learning is growing and beginning to take hold. We might discuss with students that amid struggle is where important learning happens. Struggle is not a sign of weakness. New ideas, breakthrough inventions, and important discoveries almost always involve struggle. The fact that we may struggle to learn a skill or concept is less important than what we do with said struggle. That feeling of being stuck in struggle is often a sign that learning is just ahead.  

Fourth, celebrate curiosity. Curiosity is a key driving force of learning. Some of life’s most interesting and rewarding experiences start with being curious. Curiosity is naturally occurring in humans. It can give students a purpose for learning, and it can be the key to unlocking new experiences, generating new ideas, and gaining new insights. However, formal classroom learning too often values compliance over curiosity. Students’ curiosity can feel like a distraction from our structured plans. Yet, it can be a powerful tool for learning. We can stimulate curiosity by asking open-ended questions without a clear or single answer. We can pay attention to the interests of students and build on the curiosity behind them. We might present compelling challenges and dilemmas and then allow students to investigate, engage, and propose solutions before introducing formal instruction.  

Fifth, encourage learning from multiple sources. While our instruction is typically the “backbone” of what stimulates learning, we can nudge, delight in, and respect student learning gained from other sources and through other experiences. Students have a myriad of sources from which they can learn. The more they recognize and draw on other sources, the more independent their learning becomes. As examples, conversations with classmates can lead to new insights, observations from parents can add to understanding, and technology and print media can give access to virtually unlimited information. The key is for us to create reasons for students to seek information, insights, and knowledge beyond our instruction. We might even ask students at the end of a teaching and learning cycle, “What did you learn that I did not teach you?” 

Sixth, honor learning variance. Rather than beginning by focusing on whether students have arrived at a correct answer, we can start by discussing the paths they look to reach their conclusions. Often, we can learn more by understanding what led students to an answer than by the answer itself. Further, by engaging students in the examination of their learning process, we can then better understand and encourage students to respect and hone different ways of learning that work for them. Rarely in life is there only one way to do something. In fact, when we rely on only one way, there is often a better way waiting to be discovered. Providing encouragement for and respecting different ways of learning can honor students who learn differently and provide important examples and alternatives for students who may learn in more traditional ways.   

We must remember that our students may have many years of experience in formal learning environments that have emphasized grades over learning. They may have come to see mistakes and struggles as experiences to be avoided. Curiosity may be something they have reserved for life outside of school; learning in a variety of ways and from varied sources may have even been actively discouraged. Consequently, nurturing a powerful culture of learning may take some time, and we must remember that not everything we try will work immediately. Yet, the opportunity to transform the learning experiences of our students—and prepare them to live in a world where learning is the key to success—is too great to be ignored. 

The Dangers of Teaching While on Cruise Control 

The Dangers of Teaching While on Cruise Control 

The cruise control setting on our automobiles offers several benefits. We can set a specific speed and maintain it for extended time, and as a result, we can avoid inadvertently speeding up or slowing down, thus needlessly wasting fuel. Additionally, we can give our foot a rest from constantly pressing on the accelerator. In short, cruise control allows us to maintain a consistent pace without constant attention and adjustment.  

However, cruise control also presents challenges and potential dangers of which we need to remain aware. We can approach road hazards without full attention and anticipation of adaptation. Cruise control does not adjust for curves, intersections, accidents, roadway hazards, or construction zones. For that reason, we need to be attentive and ready to take control well in advance of these highway features and exercise our judgment and skills in order to navigate safely.  

There are times during our careers when we can find ourselves approaching our work as though we are on “cruise control.” Recurring schedules, daily routines, static curriculum, years of experience at the same grade level or teaching the same courses, and other elements of teaching can feel as though one week leads to the next—the same can be said with one quarter, trimester, or semester—to the end of the year at a predetermined pace on an often-repeated path. We set a standard pace to be regularly maintained. We may even use the same lesson plans, handouts, worksheets, and practice activities as previous years.  

Yet, when we place our teaching on cruise control, we risk ignoring and sacrificing important opportunities and elements of the process that can be among the most rewarding aspects of our work. We can also find ourselves in trouble if we fail to recognize the signs and symptoms of what lies ahead. Let’s examine five of the most common dangers we are likely to encounter if we allow our teaching to be on cruise control.  

We can come upon rough spots in the road that demand attention and adjustment before we are aware and prepared. A student who normally is engaged and well-behaved begins to slip; the level of disrespect grows subtly until we realize that it may soon get out of hand. Failing to be fully engaged can leave us reacting to challenges rather than anticipating and adjusting.  

We may not see the upcoming “curve” that will require us to adjust our speed. This year’s students may not have the same characteristics and needs of last year’s students, or the previous year’s lot. We need to be careful not to blame them any more than we would blame the curve in the road. We are the ones who must adjust our speed and respond to changing conditions.  

Our focus on pace can lead us to miss opportunities for creativity, see ways of exploiting the unexpected, and bypass teachable moments. Meanwhile, we can neglect to slow down, give attention, and provide support when students begin to struggle—and before they are too far behind. 

We may speed past timely “rest areas,” where a brief pause and time to stretch, reflect, and refresh are needed. Rest areas on highways are strategically placed to provide rest and respite in a timely manner. We, too, need to keep in mind that learning is challenging, and periodic breaks and opportunities to recalibrate and refresh are important to our students’ ability to remain focused and continue to learn.  

Our default to cruise control can also leave us feeling detached and stale. We risk not experiencing the full measure of our relationships with students and the surprises, delights, and inspirational moments that can unexpectedly present themselves. Over time, leaving our teaching on cruise control can lead to feeling a lack of satisfaction and forgoing a sense of accomplishment.  

Teaching is a demanding profession that can be frustrating and exhausting. It also offers unique opportunities to engage students in experiences of wonder, inspiration, and possibility. As tempting as it might be to occasionally place our teaching on “cruise control” and relax, we risk not being ready when our students need us most and missing the most important and rewarding elements of our work.  

Ten Ideas for Improving the Experience and Satisfaction of Teachers

Ten Ideas for Improving the Experience and Satisfaction of Teachers

Author’s Note: The ideas shared in this blog were collected through an informal literature scan requested by a regional group of superintendents who were struggling to find ways to improve the experiences of teachers, communicate respect and understanding, and increase the rates at which they choose to stay in teaching. The list was used to generate discussion, compare ideas and practices, and produce additional ideas to address this important set of challenges.

Teachers are departing the profession at an alarming rate. Distressingly high numbers of teachers indicate that they are considering leaving the profession—and may do so soon. Even those who plan to stay are reporting high levels of frustration and fatigue.

Obviously, there are forces and factors at play that are beyond the control and influence of teachers, principals, and even superintendents. Unacceptably low levels of funding for compensation, aggressive political agendas, and an overall lack of value placed on the work of teachers have led to higher levels of stress and lower levels of satisfaction.

Nevertheless, there are several ways in which we can make the work of teachers more sustainable, communicate more authentic appreciation, and convey greater respect. Here are ten ideas worth considering. Most of the ideas will work best if considered and planned jointly involving teachers and administrators. Some of the options might fit better in some contexts and circumstances than in others. Some will require funding, while others require no cost. Some might be implemented as they are presented, while others will need customization. The key is to explore what can be done and what will matter, and then act.

A good place to start might be to increase the flexibility for teachers’ use of time. Historically, teaching has presented a highly structured, minimally flexible, and predictable schedule and calendar. However, the pandemic, in addition to technology and other tools, has opened the possibility to offer greater flexibility than an ironclad 8:00-3:30 schedule. Offering flexible schedules that may include later starts, earlier starts, evening classes, and other options might better meet the needs of some teachers and students. Flex schedules and shorter school terms, with options not to teach every term, might add variety and better accommodate the needs of teachers with other demands and responsibilities beyond their teaching, while not disrupting learning continuity.

Another area worthy of attention is how we demonstrate appreciation and respect. Rather than one-size-fits-all recognition and the same tokens offered to everyone, we can take the time to tailor our appreciation to the needs and preferences of individuals. For some, this shift may mean that we offer our appreciation in a personal and private setting. For others, appreciation may be more meaningful if provided in terms of technology and other tool upgrades and learning opportunities. The key is to offer recognition that is meaningful to each specific individual.

We might also think about low-cost, customizable benefits to offer. For example, might teachers be given access to childcare support? Maybe a relationship with a local house-cleaning service could result in discounted services for employees? Or might there be a way to offer selected concierge-type services for unexpected needs and emergencies that teachers can tap into for assistance to reduce stress and save time? Car mechanics on call, appliance repair services, or personal technology repair might be examples.

What if we established a practice or policy to reduce outside-of-school-hours expectations for communication and other responsibilities? For the most part, evening emails, texts, and other reach-outs could wait until morning without significant harm or disaster. Of course, for this expectation to work, several common habits and widely held assumptions about the work of teachers may need to be adjusted. Here, technology may be part of the cause as well as part of the solution. Think about artificial intelligence and how it might increase productivity and reduce time demands.

Yet another area worthy of consideration is finding ways to reduce the number of simultaneous initiatives underway. Where possible, existing initiatives might be integrated to reduce redundancy in training and practice shifts. The scope of initiatives might be narrowed to reduce the investment of human capital while increasing the focus on outcomes. Any efforts that reduce the experience of initiative fatigue will likely be welcomed.    

Another high potential focus is to find ways to increase the voice of teachers in planning and decision-making in areas of interest and impact on their work. As examples, the composition of teams might be a blend of assignments and volunteers. Teachers might be surveyed and provided other opportunities to provide input on the design of schedules and use of space. Of course, a careful balance needs to be struck so that teachers are not taking on additional burdens in areas that are not relevant to—and have a negative impact on—their time and work.

We can make it a priority to ensure the presence of a transparent, effective, and consistent approach to prevent, minimize, and manage student misbehavior. There is broad consensus that student behavior in the aftermath of the pandemic has changed and is often more challenging. An effective and sustainable approach to preventing problems, minimizing disruption, and maintaining an environment of safety, inclusiveness, and belonging can make a huge difference.  

Still, there exists another important opportunity to enhance the experience and improve the effectiveness of teachers’ involvement in professional learning that is meaningful, timely, and useful. Here we can maximize the professional learning choices, options, and opportunities available. The days of one-size-fits-all as an effective professional learning strategy have passed, if they ever existed at all. The challenge is to strike an appropriate balance between meeting individual professional interests and needs and addressing organization priorities and expectations.

Where possible, we might reduce the number and length of non-teaching related tasks and non-professional responsibilities assigned to teachers. Traditionally, teachers have managed everything from meeting buses in the morning, to playground duty, to study hall supervision, and after-school detention. While teachers are often effective at performing these tasks, the tasks do ultimately cost teachers time that could be spent designing learning experiences, collaborating with colleagues, and conferencing with students. Where practical, non-certified staff and, in some cases, trained volunteers might assume some of these tasks.

Finally, and maybe most obviously, we need to do what we can to manage the number of meetings teachers must attend. We can then focus attention on those meetings where teachers add the greatest value and where information and action cannot be handled via other means. Information sharing does not necessarily require a physical meeting. Even some discussions and decisions can be managed via technology. Without question, some meetings are a must. But even cancelling and eliminating a few meetings here and there can make a significant difference. 

Trying to implement all or most of these ideas at once may be a recipe for failure. However, selecting a few areas, initiating a dialogue, listening, and making even a few well-considered changes can be an important start. Conversation and collaboration will be the keys to improving the experience and satisfaction of teachers.

Debate: Should We Collect and Track Social-Emotional Data? 

Debate: Should We Collect and Track Social-Emotional Data? 

We know that students’ sense of well-being, ability to remain focused, persistence, and other non-cognitive factors have a significant impact on their learning. The more confident, engaged, and persistent students are, the more they are likely to learn.  

While not measured on most formal and standardized assessments, these are important learning-related elements. In fact, these social-emotional factors, in addition to others, can influence whether learning occurs just as much as academic background and learning skills do.  

Educators have always paid attention to student attitudes, emotional states, and related factors to understand why students may or may not be learning. When students fail to learn, we typically include social-emotional elements in our search for the cause.  

Social-emotional learning (SEL) has gained even greater attention recently. In fact, several surveys of educators have placed SEL among the areas needing highest priority attention in the aftermath of the pandemic. Most schools have introduced some type of SEL program or SEL activities over the past few years.  

However, evaluating whether SEL is making a difference in learning outcomes remains a challenge. We can attempt to understand the status of social-emotional skills and their influence on the learning of students by surveying to learn their experience and perceptions. We may observe students about whom we have concerns, or we may even engage students in conversation to learn how they are feeling and how their social-emotional state and related skills are influencing their ability to learn.  

We know this information is important, but we do not always have current, accurate information upon which to rely to make decisions. Furthermore, the absence of what might be considered “objective data” is often criticized when people challenge the effectiveness of SEL efforts. So, what if we had access to this information in near real time for all our students? Increasingly, we do.  

Researchers and developers have been working for years to create and refine tools to harvest this information using technology. By monitoring keystrokes, eye movements, and even facial expressions, technology can capture information about an individual’s focus, engagement, and understanding. Indicators such as the content students choose to view, how long they view that content, and if they struggle and become stuck can provide information about persistence, problem solving, decision making, and other skills and behaviors.  

Obviously, this information holds the potential to inform educators, guide instructional strategies, and track trends and progress. It also raises significant questions about the extent to which collecting information in this manner invades the privacy of students, especially if they are not fully aware that the information is being collected, analyzed, and reported. However, as the focus on social-emotional skills and learning receives increasing attention, popularity, and focus, openness to collecting and using this type of information has also grown.  

Once again, technology is challenging us to consider what information can be collected and used versus what information should be collected and how it should be used. Obviously, such information could be abused and cause harm to students, but it also holds the potential to provide feedback to learners, position educators to intervene early when students struggle, and build students’ social-emotional skills where needed.  

The questions are hard, and the answers are not easy. Like technology development in other areas, ethical dilemmas accompany opportunities. We need to ask: 

  • Are the rewards significant enough to outweigh potential dangers? 
  • Is informing students and families enough to satisfy ethical considerations?  
  • Should students and families be able to opt out of social-emotional data collection?  
  • Who will retain this information, and how can we avoid having the information used to judge, assign potential, and classify students without their knowledge and control?  

Every week, it seems that technology opens new doors, poses new questions, and presents new challenges for us to consider. Now more than ever, we must be clear and critical in our thinking, guided by our values, and centered on the best interests of our students.  

Seven Steps to Get Past Regret

Seven Steps to Get Past Regret

The sources of the regrets we experience are many and varied. They can come from spur-of-the-moment actions, such as speaking before thinking or acting in response to out-of-control emotions. They can result from failing to intervene when our actions might have prevented needless hurt or provided needed help. Regret can also grow from life decisions with long-term consequences such as ignoring important factors before making choices, allowing fear and uncertainty to keep us from pursuing an important goal or life opportunity, or failing to recognize the signs and symptoms of an unhealthy relationship. In short, regret can result from both what we do and what we do not do, and it can result in missed opportunities and lead to negative consequences for others and us.

Regret is one of our most frequently felt emotions and can influence our emotional, cognitive, and physical well-being. It can lead to feelings of guilt, disappointment, and helplessness. Regret can also have a negative impact on our physical health through lack of sleep and loss of appetite. Furthermore, regret can even make us vulnerable to illnesses.  

So, what can we do when we experience regret? Here are some steps to consider. 

If it is not too late, we can fix the situation. If we need to apologize, we should do it quickly and sincerely. The sooner we act, the better able we are to prevent ongoing regret. If our regret originates from a life decision, we can examine whether there still are opportunities to change our course and correct the situation. We may regret a decision about the direction of our education, engaging in a relationship, or making a career change; yet, there may remain opportunities to pursue a direction that leads to an equally satisfying outcome. Acting to counter or correct situations causing regret can be the best antidote.  

We can accept our feelings. We may need to give ourselves some time to heal. Meanwhile, we can direct our energy to something productive, and doing so will make us feel good. Creating a distraction can make us less apt to ruminate on our regrets, particularly in the short term.  

When our regret involves a decision pertaining to our life’s direction, we can resist idealizing the path not chosen. Even though we may encounter frustrations and setbacks in the path we have chosen, the path not chosen would likely offer an equal measure of disappointments and struggles. We can also step back and reflect on the information we had at the point of deciding. Realizing that we made the best decision we could have made, considering what we knew at the time, can help us to let go and move forward.  

We can resist making excuses. We may believe that excuses justify our behavior in the eyes of others, but we know better. Excuses do little to improve the situation, and we continue to feel the regret.  

We can forgive ourselves. If we find self-forgiveness too difficult, we can choose to focus elsewhere and to engage in activities that can offer satisfaction and make our lives—and others’ lives—better. We may not be able to change the past, but we can create a future that is more productive, satisfying, and impactful.  

If the source of our regret cannot be rectified, we can focus on what we can learn and how we can avoid repeating the same mistake in the future. A bad choice in the past does not mean we cannot, or will not, make better choices in the future. However, obsessing can compromise our ability to make the best decisions in circumstances we have yet to face.  

We can use the experience to set new goals. How will we respond to similar situations in the future? What can we do to create more positive outcomes with the decisions we make? Setting and working toward worthy goals can offer an effective counterbalance to our regret.  

Over time, our feelings of regret, if handled in a healthy manner, can lead us to better understand why we thought and acted in the way we did. Our insights can lead to less guilt and pain; as a result, we can then gain new insights about how we can better handle similar situations in the future. Additionally, our insights can lead us to be more forgiving of others when their actions result in hurt and disappointment for us. So, while feelings of regret might be inevitable, what steps we take to move past them can ultimately benefit us and those around us and pave the way for growth. 

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The Surprising Benefits of Assuming Positive Intent

The Surprising Benefits of Assuming Positive Intent

It may seem like a small thing, but how we choose to respond when we do not fully understand the motivation behind the words and actions of others matters a lot; in fact, it often matters more than we realize. The meaning we assign and interpretation we give to what we do not fully grasp can have major consequences for our relationships, productivity, and happiness. When we assume that the intentions of others are negative, hurtful, or harmful toward us, we can set in motion a negative spiral that leads to misunderstanding, conflict, and mistrust, even when neither party planned—nor would choose—such an outcome. Yet, for most of us, assuming the worst when we do not know or understand the motivation behind the words and actions of others is more common than we might want to admit.  

On the other hand, assuming the positive intentions of others, even when we are not sure of their motivations, can lead to a myriad of positive outcomes. In fact, assuming positive intentions is the first step in building and maintaining trust, whether that be in personal relationships, with colleagues, on teams, or when engaging with strangers.  

Assuming positive intentions: 

  • Leads to better, more trusting relationships. 
  • Creates better opportunities for understanding and resolving conflicts. 
  • Reduces anxiety and stress. 
  • Lessens the likelihood of embarrassment and the need for apologies due to misunderstanding. 
  • Leads to a better outlook on life. 
  • Encourages others to respond with trust. 

So, how can we take advantage of the benefits of assuming positive intentions? Here are five steps to accomplish just that.  

First, we can cultivate the habit of suspending judgement and wait to draw conclusions until we are aware of the full circumstances behind what we hear and observe. When we assume negative motivations or are suspicious of something or someone, we tend to look for “evidence” to support our thinking. Rather than doing that, it is best to begin with a positive, or at least neutral, stance. As a result, we can avoid later having to apologize for our misunderstanding and then backtracking. An added benefit is that a positive stance often leads the other person to be less suspicious and more ready to collaborate. 

Second, we might choose to take a position of curiosity. Start with the question, “I wonder why?” There may be things we do not know or understand. We might ask ourselves questions such as the following: What experience do we have with this person? What reasons might we have to not trust this person? What else might we need to learn?  

Third, we can listen. Our initial goal, after all, is to understand. What do we need to know? We should try to understand the other person’s real motivations. We can listen for the context in which the other person is acting and speaking. What problems or challenges might the other person be facing? What worries and fears might be driving their behavior? 

Fourth, we would do well to share our intentions. Having the other person guess whether we come with positive intentions risks further complicating the situation. When we share our positive intentions toward others, we can lower pressure, openly communicate, and increase understanding. 

Fifth, if we discover the other person’s motives are not positive, then we can respond in an informed and measured way. If someone’s motive is to hurt or take advantage of us, we can respond assertively and take steps to protect ourselves, and we will be doing so with a more accurate understanding of the situation. Regardless, it is important to note that we do not necessarily give up any advantage when we start with the assumptions that the other person’s motives are positive. 

Life is full of faulty assumptions, misunderstandings, and conflicts, and there are few benefits, if any, associated with adding to the challenges life routinely presents to us. Fortunately, when we assume the positive intentions of others, we can sidestep unnecessary pain, embarrassment, and regret, while simultaneously building a path of trust. 

Five Things Teachers Do Every Day That AI Cannot

Five Things Teachers Do Every Day That AI Cannot

It is hard not to be amazed by what artificial intelligence (AI) can and promises to do. We wonder how much AI will change the ways in which we engage students and support their learning. It seems clear that there will be new opportunities and unexpected challenges as we adjust to this new reality.

However, we need to remember that many of the most important influences we have on students cannot be duplicated by AI—because they are uniquely human. Their power resides in the relationships we build with students, and our relationships with students are among the most powerful influences on students’ choices related to their learning.

Consider that each day we reach out to students to discern their mood, learn what is happening in their lives, and understand how their emotional state may influence their behavior and probable success in upcoming lessons. Here are five of those routine behaviors and the important implications they hold for students and their success.

First, we welcome students at the door with a smile, and we check out their emotional state. Initial contact between students and teachers sets the stage for the learning experience designed for the day. Eye contact and other nonverbal cues can tell us when students will need more attention, some additional space, or have exciting news and experiences they want—and need— to share.

Second, we offer a wink, frown, or raised eyebrow to connect and encourage. We possess a variety of communication tools beyond words. In fact, among the most effective tools for managing the classroom are nonverbal signals, facial expressions, and “looks.” When teachers know their students, they can anticipate what students are likely to do next, “nudge” their behavior, and prevent a variety of behaviors that otherwise might necessitate intervention or redirection.

Third, we offer high-fives and fist-bumps to celebrate or a pat on the arm to comfort and reassure. Physical contact can be a powerful communication tool. Celebrating with students in a moment of success and triumph can reinforce the experience and create a lasting memory. Reassurance and encouragement can also be powerfully communicated by a gentle touch. Of course, physical contact requires sensitivity and thoughtfulness. However, it remains an important way to communicate caring, support, and confidence.

Fourth, we look over a shoulder or stand next to a desk to refocus attention and discourage distractions. Physical proximity can have a significant influence on student behavior. Experienced and insightful teachers for generations have known that moving close to a student can be a reminder of the task at hand and lead to engagement in expected behavior. This move can influence students to shift their behavior or attitude without having to say a word.

Fifth, we send students off with a personalized comment or words of encouragement to carry them through the day or evening. During the time we spend with students, we often learn much about what may be on students’ minds, what may be worrying them, and what they may be looking forward to during the remainder of their day. This information positions us to provide students with specific reassurance, support, and encouragement as they move to their next challenge or experience.

We need to be open and ready to learn how AI can support our work with students. However, we would also do well to remember the power of our connections with students, how we build relationships with them, and how influential we are in nurturing their well-being and success.

Try the 5-4-3-2-1 Approach for the Best Summer Ever

Try the 5-4-3-2-1 Approach for the Best Summer Ever

The transition from the end of the school year to the beginning of summer can be a good time to pause and take stock of our emotional and mental state. While the past year may have been exhausting, summer can be a time of renewal. We may still have commitments and responsibilities to which we still need to attend, but the shift in routines can offer opportunities to rebuild our energy, replenish our reserves, and ready us for the fall.

However, without some thought and a plan, the summer can slip away without our having taken full advantage of what this time of the year can offer. Now is a good time to think about what will make this summer one that leads to renewal, refocusing, and restoration. One way to approach this opportunity is to think “5-4-3-2-1" to prioritize our planning and give us a focal point. Here is an example we can use to get started.

Make a list of the five things for which you are most grateful. Gratitude is a powerful antidote to many draining and harmful emotions. Even in challenging times, we have much for which we can be grateful. Gratitude focuses our attention and emotions on others and what they mean to us rather than being self-centered. We can review this list periodically during the summer to remind us of what is positive and important in our lives. We may even add items as we become aware of additional people and circumstances for which we can be grateful.

Identify four people with whom you want to connect or reconnect. Summer is a great time to widen our network of friends and expand our relationships. Relationships can also be great sources of support as we navigate uncertain and unpredictable times. We can give priority to the people we find interesting, optimistic, creative, or just fun to be around. Reaching out to an old friend or colleague can restore a connection that has been important to us. Developing new or existing relationships can give access to new ideas, perspectives, and insights.

Decide three things you would like to learn. Learning can be a great energy refresher, especially when what we are learning is our choice and serves purposes important to us. The learning can be personal or professional, or it could be a combination of both. We might choose to learn a skill that leads to a new hobby. We might pursue an area of long-standing interest. We might explore some new technology or develop a new instructional strategy or approach. The key is to stay fresh and enjoy the experience of learning.

Eliminate two sources of stress. Some stressors are beyond our control, and we need to focus on managing how they will impact us. Others are within our control to push aside or remove. As examples, social media accounts that have us “doom scrolling” and news sources that are overly political and negative might be left behind. We can also consider stressors such as unrealistic expectations we hold for ourselves and our inner critic that constantly engages us in negative self-talk. Stressors drain energy and challenge our outlook. Removing even a few negative stressors can make a big difference in our attitude and well-being.

Commit to forming one new habit. By choosing just one, we will be better able to focus on, track, and build success for that habit. For example, we might decide to form an exercise habit. Summer can be a great time to get into a routine that will carry through into the next school year. We might think about routines that can make our lives easier and more manageable, such as tackling the most difficult challenges first or starting each day by doing something that builds energy and gives us satisfaction. Or we might choose something as simple, but important, as having more conversations and dialogue with people we respect and from whom we can learn. The possibilities are endless.

This approach may seem simple—and it is. However, by being intentional and planful with the time we have away from the school year routine, we can restore our energy, rebuild our spirit, and create resources on which we can draw as we approach a new year.

Things We Say to Students That Can Have Unintended Consequences 

Things We Say to Students That Can Have Unintended Consequences 

These are weeks of the year when emotions can become intense, and behaviors can challenge our patience. The coming end of the year can raise anxieties about exams, final grades, and other opportunities and consequences in students’ lives. We, too, can experience uncertainties, anxiety, and worry.

How we choose to respond to our emotions and the emotions of students will play a consequential role in how they’ll feel about, behave, and process what happens in the final days and weeks. We can be a stabilizing force or a stimulus for further anxiety and emotional outbursts. Fortunately, this can also be a time for modeling and teaching students how they can gain and maintain control in the face of challenges and disorientation. Here are five statements that we’d be wise to avoid and strategies we can employ to continue to teach and support students as the end of the year approaches.

Don’t worry, you’ll do/be fine. Predicting the future isn’t useful in most circumstances. Students won’t always do or be fine, and they may have solid reasons for being worried. Students are responding to their interpretation of what’s happening. They may feel uncertain, threatened, or worried for reasons that are important to them and unknown to us. A better approach is to help students to understand and develop strategies to deal with their anxiety and worries. As examples, we might ask students to think about what’s worked for them in the past. Or we might ask them what advice they’d give to a friend who was worried about a similar situation.

You need to cheer up/calm down. It usually isn’t helpful to tell students how they should feel. Their emotions are real to them. The problem isn’t their feelings, but what they need to do with them. Our role is to help students learn strategies for dealing with their feelings. As examples, we might teach students self-soothing strategies, such as taking a walk, listening to music, or drawing or writing to express their feelings. Or we might encourage students to engage in mindfulness activities that help them become better aware of, reflect on, and manage how they’re feeling.

Don’t let me see/find/catch you doing that again. While our intent might be to have students not engage in unacceptable behavior, this statement says something different. The message is that students shouldn’t be caught. We don’t want students to focus on not being caught. We want them not to engage in the behavior. A better approach is to help students to understand why the behavior is unacceptable and develop alternative behaviors that help them to be successful through other approaches. For example, rather than telling students not to be caught copying other’s work, we can counsel students on the importance of asking questions, seeking clarification, or otherwise securing assistance that helps them to learn and be successful on their own.

You’re smart/talented/gifted. Praise can be a motivator, but it can also get in the way of learning and success. When we tell students they’re smart, talented, and gifted, students might assume they shouldn’t have to struggle, make mistakes, or seek help. When they find themselves in situations that challenge them, they can worry or assume they’re not as exceptional as our praise indicates. Consequently, they may choose to give up or find other ways to continue to appear intelligent. Our praise can be more helpful and supportive if we focus on the effort and strategies students employ in their learning and work. Effort and strategies are within students’ control while intelligence isn’t.

You’re making me mad/angry/furious. This statement may be intended as a warning to students, but the fact is people don’t “make” others angry or upset. Anger is a reaction that comes from within us. We have the power to determine what we think, how we respond, and how we’ll behave. When we say that someone’s causing our emotions, we deny responsibility for our feelings and behavior. We also risk sending the message to students that they don’t have to take responsibility for their behavior. Rather than blaming students for our emotions, we might say that we disapprove of the behavior, or state that behavior is unacceptable and offer alternative actions they can take that would be acceptable. For example, we might offer to meet with a student privately to discuss the situation.

We can’t avoid many of the emotions that accompany the end of the year. However, we can use this time to teach, coach, and counsel students how to manage what they’re feeling and develop strategies to respond to the challenges they face. Of course, we too can employ these strategies to help us to stay calm, focused, and successful as we negotiate our way to the end of the year, too.