Decision Fatigue Does Not Have to Own Us
Estimates are that teachers make as many as fifteen hundred student-related decisions per day, more than just about any other profession. Some decisions are routine, while others cannot be anticipated. Some decisions carry little risk and have low impact, where others may carry long-term implications for our students and our relationships with them. Some decisions are accompanied by clear criteria and implications. Others come with limited information and are filled with uncertainty and risk. The result: The number and nature of daily decisions we face can wear us out; this condition is known as decision fatigue.
Unfortunately, decision fatigue can then lead us to make poor decisions. We can fail to fully assess the implications of decisions we make, we may ignore key information that should inform our decisions, or we may choose options that do not align with our goals. We may even put off decisions that should and could be made in real time.
Decision fatigue can also lead to levels of frustration and anger that are disproportionate to the situations we face. We can find ourselves making impulsive decisions we otherwise would resist. We may feel as though we are not capable of recognizing the best choice to make. The bottom line is that we risk not relying on our best judgment when the number of decisions we must make leaves us feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.
Of course, we cannot avoid making decisions entirely, nor should we. The decisions we make determine the nature, direction, and productivity of not only our day, but also the day our students will experience. However, there are steps we can take and strategies we can employ to make our “decision load” more manageable and position us to give greater attention and thought to the most important decisions we make.
First, we can be clear about our values and goals. Many decisions become easy when we consider their impact on our students’ learning and their alignment with our professional practice standards. Unfortunately, when we make decisions in the heat of the moment that are not in the best interests of our students or aligned with our professional commitments, the regret and guilt we feel can add to our frustration and exhaustion.
Second, we can reduce the number of decisions we have to make. We know the value of routines for common processes and procedures in our classes. However, we may be able to expand our use of classroom routines by asking the question: What am I doing that my students can do? By giving students greater responsibility, we can free up time and energy to allocate to higher leverage decisions and activities. Further, when we establish routines for our own time and activities before and after school, we can reduce the number of decisions we have to make when we are feeling stressed or tired.
Third, we can prioritize the decisions we face. Before we begin our day, we might identify the most important decisions we expect to face and give some pre-thought to options and approaches that might lead to the best outcomes. When it is time to decide, we will be better prepared and able to rely less on in-the-moment thinking. Additionally, sorting the decisions we must make can help us to identify decisions that are not important or urgent and can be delayed or avoided.
Fourth, we can develop a process for making common and frequent decisions. We might think about decisions that we face monthly, weekly, or daily and reflect on what has worked in the past, what information we will need to collect, and what options are likely to be available. Not every decision has to be treated as unique. However, we need to be careful not to treat unique situations as routine or we risk ignoring options, missing opportunities, and short-changing students and their learning.
Fifth, we can set deadlines for making difficult decisions. When we face decisions that carry significant consequences, feature multiple options, and lack clear direction, we can be tempted to put off deciding. Consequently, we can spend excessive energy evaluating options even when we have all the information we need or will have to decide. Meanwhile, we have less time and energy to give to other decisions that demand our attention. Establishing a time by which we will decide we can avoid unnecessary procrastination, while giving needed attention to the decision before us.
Sixth, we can commit to taking mental and physical breaks during the day. Even a short walk and some fresh air can replenish our energy and clear our thinking. A brief non-work-related conversation with a colleague can help us to relax and regroup. Momentarily stepping away from the pressure to decide and orchestrate activities can be an effective antidote to decision fatigue.
We may not be able to avoid making hundreds of decisions each day, but we can create routines, processes, and priorities that allow us to better manage the decisions we face. We can also recapture energy and time to make better decisions and avoid becoming overwhelmed and fatigued by those that remain.
Smith, D. D. (2022, August 9). How to make decision fatigue more bearable. Fast Company. https://www.fastcompany.com/90776828/how-to-make-decision-fatigue-more-bearable

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