In the waning weeks and days of the school year, we can feel as though our students are slipping away. They are beginning to look forward to summer and anticipating the adventures of next year. Of course, we have invested the past months guiding, coaching, and preparing them for this time. We have watched as their competence and confidence have grown. We hope that we have done what is necessary to prepare them for what is next and what lies beyond as their lives unfold.
While we are excited to send them on their way, we may also feel some regret. There is never enough time to teach everything we would like our students to know. Yet, it’s amazing to see how far they have come.
Now as the end of the year approaches, we have one final opportunity to give our students some advice to reflect and rely upon in the months and years ahead. Each of our students is unique and will hear our advice in a different way. Regardless, this is a time when we want to instill hope and build their confidence. As we think about our “closing message,” here are some ideas and insights to consider passing along.
First, we can remind our students to regularly recall and recount their successes. Confidence grows as students feel successful, and success builds on success. When students remember, recount, and relive their successes they can counter negative, confidence-undermining narratives. We can remind students of the many successful experiences and occasions worthy of recalling and recounting from the past year.
Second, we can discourage students from comparing themselves and their performance to others. Comparisons to others who may be moving faster or doing better can undermine confidence even though another student may be in a very different situation. What matters most is for students to concentrate on their own learning and progress. It is also the only element students can control. Our students’ long-term success will be determined by what they do, how they continue to grow and learn, and what they do with their unique talents and skills.
Third, we can remind students that effort and occasional struggle are important to their learning. In fact, learning that comes easy is often forgotten just as easily. We can remind them that when they must concentrate and make multiple attempts before succeeding, they are building learning skills that will serve them for a lifetime.
Fourth, we can point out to our students that it’s never too late to get better. Life continues to present lessons until they are learned. No matter how well our students did this year or how much they may have struggled, there are always opportunities to get better. Life is all about growth.
Fifth, we can remind our students that school will end, but learning is lifelong. We can urge our students to continue to find and practice learning approaches that work for them. Sometimes their learning approach will not align with how they are taught. That doesn’t mean that they are not good learners. We can urge students to find the ways in which they learn best and embrace them. It can make all the difference.
Sixth, we can advise our students that what matters most is not who approves of them. What matters and will count the most is their own approval, acceptance, and confidence. To chase the approval and acceptance of others is folly. We can urge our students to live lives they can be proud of and people who count will approve of and accept them.
Seventh, we can assure our students that we see in them the potential for greatness. They have gifts and talents they may not be aware of yet. Each student has their own unique combination of special potential. Further, we can remind students that it’s not the A’s they received in school that will matter most, it will be the actions they take in life. It will not be the B’s they earned in school that will determine their future. It will be what they choose to become. And it’s not the C’s that will matter most. It will be what they are willing to commit.
Eighth, we can urge our students to take life as it comes. There is no need or benefit to hurrying life. We can remind students that every stage of life will have its gifts and delights and its challenges and heartaches. Trying to accelerate life beyond their years risks their missing important lessons and experiences that will make them more satisfied and successful people. We can remind them to live each day with purpose and to make each day count. If they always try to do the right thing, then they will live a life with few regrets.
Our end-of-year message is an opportunity to remind students one last time of the experience of the past year and it is a gift to take with them as they depart our classroom and school. Our best hope is that when they encounter life’s challenges and navigate life’s dilemmas they will be able to fall back on what they have learned and experienced in their time with us.

Ways to Prevent Unacceptable Behavior in the Final Weeks
This has been a difficult year for everyone. As we approach the end, we can anticipate that some behaviors with which we have been dealing will increase in frequency. We may also encounter new behaviors from students whom we would not necessarily expect to act out. Our challenge is to anticipate, head off, and prevent as many acts of misbehavior as we can so that the final weeks are productive for learning and a positive experience for students.
We need to remember that behaviors are purposeful. They send a message. They meet a need. The better our communication with students, the less they may feel the need to send us a message. The better we can anticipate and meet student needs, the more successful we both will be.
For some students the end of the year signals significant changes in their lives. The structure of school may be going away. The assurance of regular food and consistent adult contact may be about to end. Regular connections with friends may be at risk. These and other worries can lead to defiance, inattentiveness, unresponsiveness, and other forms of unacceptable behavior.
In this context we are wise to avoid overreacting and making unnecessary behavioral demands or immediately directing that a behavior must stop. When we respond too forcefully, we can unintentionally stimulate repetition of behavior. People do not like to be told what to do, especially when they are stressed. They may resist or find other ways to engage in behavior that we have taken from them. Even students who otherwise might be cooperative can react negatively and become passively or actively resistant.
Here are some other tips and ideas for avoiding the occurrence and escalation of unacceptable behavior in the final weeks of the year:
- Presume positive intentions and behavior. Lack of trust can be a fast track to misbehavior. Rather than calling overt attention to misbehavior such as side conversations or poking another student, our raised eyebrows and eye contact that conveys confused disapproval can be all that is needed. Unfortunately, calling out small infractions and publicly admonishing students for small incidents of misbehavior can quickly escalate the situation and waste precious class time at a key point in the year.
- Offer an observational statement. Rather than directing students to comply with a previously given direction make a statement such as, “Several of you have yet to put away your materials.” Then give students time to follow through. For students who still do not comply, the subtle reminder of pointing to what needs to be done as we walk past can be enough to stimulate action. Calling students out and risking embarrassment in front of classmates may be a stimulus for escalation if the student is in the mood to defy authority.
- Make a presumptive observation such as, “You know what to do.” When well-practiced routines are involved, resist telling students to do things they already know they should do. When students already know what to do, they don’t need to be retold. If students need a subtle reminder we might modify the statement to the question, “What should you do?” However, repeatedly restating the obvious can lead to inattention, resistance, and even mocking.
- Consider the larger context of student behavior. Watch students’ interactions with peers. Tensions, arguments, even boisterous teasing can be signs that relationships are fraying and misbehavior may be about to escalate. Waiting and hoping that the situation will resolve itself may not be a good bet. It may be that all that is needed is a conversation with key actors. Or it may be time to engage someone to investigate and de-escalate the situation. Interactions with peers can be early signs that problems are percolating.
- Be inquisitive not accusatory. We might say, “I have noticed that your behavior has shifted. Is there something I did or need to know to understand what is happening?” Ask questions, communicate curiosity, and seek to understand. Use “I” statements.
- Be clear and stay consistent in routines and expectations. Shifts in attention and follow through late in the year can be misread as routines and expectations no longer being important or needing to be followed. Students may believe that expectations we used to hold no longer apply and previously unacceptable behavior now is permitted.
- Give students who may be inclined to act out plenty of attention. Their acting out can be a strategy to gain attention. If we give attention to them before they choose to demand our attention, we may avoid the need to intervene and correct.

Five Powerful Learning Drivers to Make ESSER Investments Pay
The availability of ESSER funds has presented new opportunities for administrators and educators to spend money on new initiatives such as adding time, purchasing new technology, and investing in other tools. The availability of new funds presents a crucial opportunity to improve learning outcomes. Yet, research and history point to the likelihood of disappointing results, if the bet is that expenditures for time, technology, and tools alone will improve student achievement to a level that “catches students up” academically.
The research of Hattie, Marzano, Petty, and others points to an important and inescapable conclusion: Unless we change the learning experience and shift the relationship students have with learning, we cannot expect to see changes in learning outcomes. A longer school year by itself tends not to work because students who are not engaged and finding success are not helped by increased exposure to the same experience. Technology that is used to shift traditional instructional practices from paper to digital without changing the fundamental learning experience holds little hope to improve learning. And new textbooks and related tools inserted in traditional lessons and class routines hold little potential to transform learning experiences.
What really influences learning outcomes is more fundamental and depends less on structures and resources than on learning relationships and experiences. This statement is not to imply that structures and resources do not matter. They can offer expanded and enhanced opportunities, but they have not been shown by themselves to be strong drivers of learning.
So, what are effective drivers of learning we can employ to make ESSER investments pay off? Here are five of the most powerful learning support strategies with a strong base of research and experiential support.
First, shift the experience of students from being passive listeners and responders to adult talk and direction to becoming active participants in their learning with adult guidance, coaching, and encouragement.
Second, encourage students to invest in their learning by providing frequent, authentic choices about what and how they will learn. Provide support to them to set goals for their learning rather than providing students with goals set on their behalf.
Third, focus on the purpose and benefits of learning rather than treating the experience as a compliance activity in service of vague, far into the future benefits. Purpose is the strongest driver of learning in life. We may as well leverage it.
Fourth, invite students to co-monitor their progress rather than expecting them to consistently default to the judgment of adults. Seeing progress can be a great encourager of hope for success and builder of confidence and motivation.
Fifth, focus attention on building learning skills over superficial and temporal information and content. Development of skills directly benefits the learner, while information and content is often seen by students as serving the agenda of adults. Further, it is learning skills that will prepare students for life success, not simple recall of names, dates, and events. Academic content needs to be the context for learning skills, not the opposite.
To be clear, this argument is not against providing time, technology, and tools for learning that are rich, varied, and accessible. Rather, it is a reminder that learners and their learning experiences are what drives improved learning outcomes. We need to advocate for and commit to resources and structures to assist learning, but we must be careful not to confuse them with what matters most.

Five College-Level Study Tips to Share with Your Students Now
This is the time of year when students often face the challenge of preparing for major exams; exams that ask them to synthesize various concepts, recall a wide range of information, and demonstrate competency with a variety of skills. We have coached students throughout the year to develop learning strategies to assist them to absorb, retain, and retrieve important content. Now, they will be asked to pull everything together in preparation for important end-of-year assessments.
Of course, the task students face is not new. Students have faced this annual challenge for generations. However, it can be motivating to students to expand their repertoire of study techniques by incorporating some tips often shared with college-level learners by their professors as these advanced learners prepare for high-stakes career preparation and licensing assessments. The good news is that the tips work equally well for younger students. Here are five time-tested and research-based tips you can share.
First, encourage students to choose or create a focus-supportive environment. The ability to focus is among the most important elements contributing to successful study. The exact conditions optimal to support mental focus may vary from person to person. Some people focus best when they experience complete silence. Others may find music in the background to assist with focus. Some people may benefit from a view of the outdoors. Others may focus best without visual stimulation beyond what they are studying. Some people do their best when isolated from people. Others may benefit from some movement around them such as they might experience in a coffee shop. However, there is wide agreement that cellphones and social media turned off and out of sight contributes to the ability to focus. The key is for the student to find the optimum focus-supportive environment for their needs.
Second, advise students to take frequent breaks – at least every thirty minutes – to think about what they are studying and how best to organize it for storage in their minds. Interestingly, researchers have found that learning breaks to synthesize and organize content and skills can play as important a role in learning as practicing preset processes and completing problem sets.
Third, encourage students to move from one position or location to another occasionally, especially as they move from one element or aspect of study to another. The shift may be as little as repositioning at a desk or table, or as significant as moving to a different room or new location. As we study, our brains absorb more information than we may be aware. While we are focusing, our brains note objects around us, noises we hear, and movements that cross our vision. This information can help to “anchor” memories and assist recall of content connected to the experience. As a result, our attempts to recall what we have studied can be enhanced by memories of where we were when we encountered information, developed a new insight, or reached a conclusion. Shifting locations can ground memories in the environment where they occurred.
Fourth, share with students the benefits of pausing occasionally to explain or summarize what they just read or reviewed. Research indicates that explaining to yourself can be enough to make a difference. Explaining to a “study buddy” can be even more beneficial. The process of explaining organizes information and prepares the brain for storage. This technique can also surface elements and aspects of what is being studied that are not clear and need more attention and clarification.
Fifth, encourage students to draw pictures or create maps to depict connections and relationships among items and elements they are studying. Images are often easier to recall than lists of words or highlighted text. The process of drawing and positioning information also provides opportunities to interact more deeply with content and helps to place information in a more complete context. Later, when attempting recall key concepts and information in isolation, graphics can offer a memory shortcut to information that has been placed in a retrievable format.
Of course, each of these tips require a level of effort and discipline. However, they can make studying more interesting as they add variety and novelty to the process. They also can be motivating because they work.

Is More Time the Answer to Unfinished Learning?
One of the most popular responses to the disruption of learning due to COVID is to increase the students’ time in school. Many educational leaders are betting that when students are in person with teachers for more minutes and hours every week, learning that did not happen during the pandemic can be made up and students will be back on track.
However, pre-pandemic research calls this bet into question. Consider a 2019 study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), a respected international source for information regarding education around the world. The report documented that American students spend on average 8,884 hours in school during their elementary and secondary years. By comparison, the average time in school for students in other countries is closer to 7,500 hours. It is true that some countries have longer school years, but the total number of hours students spend in school in the United States generally far exceeds their international counterparts. The difference represents more than a full school year of additional time for students in the United States. Yet, international academic comparisons show American students generally perform in the middle ranks.
It is also true that American teachers traditionally spend a larger portion of their days and more total time instructing than the international average. The general assumption in the United States has been that time spent in front of students is the most valuable time, and teachers should spend as much of their time in front of students as possible.
The obvious questions are: If American students are spending a full year of additional time in school during their elementary and secondary school years, and teachers are spending a larger portion of their days teaching, why are we not already out performing our international counterparts? And is adding more time in school now to make up for unfinished learning during the pandemic the solution? The answer to both questions is that what matters most is not how much time, but how time is used.
Our assumption has been that if students spend more time being taught, they will learn more. This notion seems reasonable, but it misses an important point: It is not time or teaching that matters most, it is learning.
We have been so preoccupied with how much teaching is happening – measuring productivity as teacher time in the classroom – that we have missed the key point that learning needs to be the organizing element. What is most important is what is learned, not what is taught.
Many countries provide teachers with much more preparation time to ensure that each moment in the classroom is leveraged to ensure maximum learning. Some countries give students more time and opportunities for inquiry and discovery and less time subjecting them to “telling.” Still others engage students in longer term projects focused on deeper learning and problem solving.
The point is that how the time we have with learners is used is even more important than the amount of time invested. Adding days and hours to the school year will provide little benefit unless the time is used to increase learning opportunities and outcomes, not just more teaching.
The question we need to ask is how we can change learning experiences to improve outcomes. The answer to this question will tell us how to design experiences and support to improve learning results. Of course, instruction will be a part of this formula. But, so will a more active role for learners, leading to more investment in and ownership of their learning. Learning grows when learners find the experience purposeful, meaningful, and worthwhile.

Three Ways to Capture Important but Often Hidden Learning
We know that not all the learning students gain is the result of our instruction. Some students make connections beyond our lessons. Other students become interested in topics of study that stimulate learning beyond the scope of study we plan. Still other students will learn what we offer deeply and build knowledge and skills beyond what our assessments may capture.
Yet, these dimensions of learning are often ignored when grades are assigned. Rarely is learning not captured on assessments noted and honored as important to the learning profile of students. Still, the learning is real and worthy of notice and respect.
So, how might we capture learning that is outside and beyond our instruction? Further, how can we honor and reward this learning? We can start by recognizing its existence in our interactions with students. Discussing the insights student develop is a good place to start. However, there is more that we can do.
We can invite students to reflect on and share the additional learning they have gained. For example, following administration of a summative assessment we might give students the option of responding to one or more of three questions.
First, what did you learn during this unit that I did not teach you? Responses to this question can provide information about connections students made as they reflected on what they were asked to learn. We may hear about family discussions related to what students were learning that extended beyond the scope of our instruction. We may also find that projects and tasks we assigned students led to further insights and understandings beyond our intentions.
Second, what did you learn about this topic or skill that was not measured on the test? This question gives us access to what students believed was important as they prepared for the test. It also speaks to the breadth of knowledge and understanding the student possesses, even though the assessment grade may not reflect it.
Third, what do you know now that you did not know before studying this topic or skill? This question invites students to reflect on what they have learned, not just information for which they are accountable. By asking this question we invite students to engage in a process that helps them recognize and organize what they have learned. Importantly, this type of reflection has also been shown to increase understanding and extend recall, two important goals of our instruction.
At first, students are likely to find these questions to be curious, as their learning is typically assumed to have been demonstrated through their performance on the test. Yet, the information can be crucial to understanding the full scope of learning students have gained.
One way to incent students to take these questions seriously and invest time in formulating responses is to offer additional credit for responses that are substantiative and reflect important learning extensions. This step also allows us to recognize the full scope of the learning gained.
Some of us may question the wisdom of giving extra credit. We know that awarding extra credit for activities that are non-learning related is problematic because it contaminates the information grades are to articulate: learning progress. When bringing supplies to the classroom, covering textbooks, and other non-learning related activities are given weight, grades no longer represent what they are intended to communicate.
Yet, awarding additional credit that will be reflected in students’ grades in this context captures important learning. It may be incidental and unplanned. It may be beyond the scope of our instructional intentions. Yet, it reflects legitimate academic progress. It is worthy of respect and reflects value. It also represents the type of learning that our students will need in the future as they confront novel learning challenges, are asked to solve complex problems featuring unknown factors, and make connections where they have not been previously known.
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Four Learning Strategies to Teach Yet This Year
We are approaching the point of the year when the time remaining begins to feel short and the list of what is yet to be learned feels long. We may choose to speed up the pace of instruction to ensure that everything contained in the curriculum is covered before time runs out. We may choose to ignore the problem and maintain the current pace, leaving what is missed for next year’s teachers to address. Or we may decide to focus on building the learning strategies students can use to better absorb and recall what they are asked to learn and be more successful now and in the future.
The problem with simply speeding up the pace of instruction is that it does little to increase the rate, depth, or recall of learning. We may meet the expectation that the curriculum is covered, but exposure to content and skills is not the same as learning. Choosing to maintain the same pace and allow the “chips to fall where they may” risks passing along learning gaps and compounding the instruction and learning challenges teachers and students will face in the fall.
Shifting to focus on learning strategies can help students to learn more, while also becoming better learners. We may find that not everything we would like students to learn can be introduced and mastered in the time remaining, but we can be more confident that what students learn will stay with them longer and they will have more effective strategies to address learning challenges in the future. When paired with thoughtful sorting of what is crucial for students to learn before the year is over, this approach can be a powerful way to finish the year.
So, what are some of the ways in which we can help students to become more successful learners and better “recallers” of what they have learned? Here are four strategies we can employ with minimal disruption to routines or loss of instruction and learning time.
First, we can coach students to spread their practice of new skills and concepts over time. Rather than practicing vocabulary words or math problem intensively in a single session, students can engage in fewer repetitions and return to the concept or skill a few hours later, the next day, or over several days for more practice sessions. When we spread practice sessions over more time, we signal to our brain that what we are learning has more significance and recall becomes easier and lasts longer.
Second, we can provide students with opportunities to vary learning related activities. We might present a new concept or skill and then design multiple ways to apply what is being learned. For example, a math problem might be introduced as a formula, followed by a word problem, and then used to solve a practical challenge. Varying activities as students are gaining and practicing new learning can increase their understanding of a concept or skill beyond following a step-by-step process to a predetermined answer. Interestingly, highly skilled athletes employ this process to move to even higher levels of performance. Varying a basketball jump shot and mixing tennis swings can lift skills beyond what is accomplished by simple repetition.
Third, we can coach students to self-test. When preparing for exams, students often believe that the best preparation is to review and reread content and materials. However, engaging in self-testing has been shown to be more effective. Responding to questions and applying new learning can help students to diagnose areas in need of strengthening and determine priority areas for focus and practice.
Fourth, we can help students to connect learning to more than an exam or grade. When students focus their learning efforts on passing a test or getting a good grade, they signal their brains that the utility of what is being learned does not necessarily extend beyond the assessment event. Consequently, students are more likely to forget what they have learned once the exam is passed, and the grade is issued. When we help students to see purpose in and gain value from their learning beyond grades and tests, we help them to position their learning for longer retention. We can reinforce this process by returning students to previously learned content periodically for review and application, even after tests are administered and grades are issued.
Many of us may already be coaching students to employ some or all of these strategies. If so, great. We can continue to shift ownership for these strategies to our students, so they apply them without our coaching and reminders. If any of these strategies are not part of the experience of our students, now is a good time for students to explore and begin to employ them.

Six Design Considerations for COVID Recovery Summer Learning
The summer months represent a key opportunity to assist students who lost their learning momentum during the pandemic and need to get back on track. However, to make the progress needed the time must be carefully planned and learning needs to be as engaging and productive as possible.
Of course, summer has always been available for learning catch up. Yet, multiple studies have pointed to the relative ineffectiveness of summer school to generate ample learning. In fact, a metanalysis of research studies conducted by John Hattie indicates that traditional summer school often does little to move learning forward.
If we hope to have this summer generate the learning outcomes we need, we must plan carefully and design learning activities that offer the greatest potential for success. Repetition of instruction and learning approaches that failed to produce adequate results during the year hold little potential for success. Asking students to repeat lessons they already learned during the year makes little sense. Ignoring the lack of connection many students felt with their learning does not bode well for turning the situation around.
As we design for a summer of learning that accelerates progress, builds on what has been learned, and renews a sense of joy in learning we must be thoughtful and strategic. To accomplish this goal, we can consider six design elements.
First, the learning we plan for students must include a sense of purpose. We need to be clear about the value and utility of what we present. We also need to help students see and feel purposefulness in the learning challenges in which they are asked to engage. Whether pursuing goals students have set for themselves, seeing connections with applications students value, or earning opportunities for social and recreational activities, learning is easiest when connected to something important to students. Without the presence of worthy purpose, we cannot expect students to connect, commit, and persist in the learning we offer.
Second, the learning we ask of students must begin at the level and location of their current learning. Presenting instruction and asking students to learn content and skills that are beyond their readiness is not likely to be successful. Likewise, needlessly repeating content and introducing skills students have already learned wastes time. Nevertheless, students may need opportunities to renew, reinforce, and apply skills they have learned to further build recall, create automaticity, and strengthen their ability to use current skills to master more advanced challenges.
Third, the learning we present to students needs to be accompanied by context. Asking students to learn content and skills without connections and clear application will be a difficult task. However, in a meaningful context new learning can generate interest and excitement that will support learning and recall. For example, introducing and practicing fractions in the context of following a cooking recipe can be a meaningful and enjoyable task that also leads to learning.
Fourth, we can give students opportunities and support to track their learning progress. Offering a meaningful role and responsibility to capture data and mark progress can be a motivating activity. Whenever we can give students opportunities to feel ownership for their learning we open the door to greater commitment and progress.
Fifth, we can design activities to position students to share and support each other’s learning. Learning can be a social activity. Peer support and engagement can energize students and build confidence. Further, when students explain their learning to peers and provide support and encouragement to each other, they experience value and a sense of belonging, two crucial elements to support learning, especially for students who often struggle.
Sixth, we need to find ways to make the learning experience enjoyable. It is true that learning is not always fun. Sometimes it is hard. However, introducing fun activities that also support learning can shift the experience for students in ways that lead to greater effort and commitment. Of course, experiencing progress and success also are enjoyable feelings and can generate confidence to keep trying and learning.
Summer may be our best opportunity to lift students whose learning has lagged and get them back on track. However, we must be thoughtful and strategic as we design the services, activities, and supports we will offer during the crucial weeks between academic years.

Why Grade Retention Is Not the Solution
This is the time of year when we begin to consider how the learning of our students has progressed. Despite the continuing disruptions and distractions this year has presented, most students will likely “weather the storm.” Their learning may not yet be where we would like and expect it to be, but their progress has them close enough to continue to benefit from on-pace instruction. There are gaps in their skills and there is content they still need to master, but time and continued support are likely to eventually place them back on track.
However, there are other students whose progress has continued to lag. They may be missing multiple key skills, have had inconsistent attendance, and seem not to be adequately responding to instruction. We may wonder whether keeping these students in the same grade for another year might be the answer.
On the surface, grade retention may seem like a reasonable option. The disruption of the past couple of years have led some politicians and policy makers to advocate for and in some cases implement directives that position grade retention as a solution to counter low academic achievement.
Yet, decades of research have documented that grade retention often causes at least as many problems as it solves. While students may spend additional time in the same grade, there is little evidence to show that repeating what was not successful in the past will necessarily be more successful in the future.
Too often, students view retention as a permanent punishment, regardless of the reasons for their not being successful. They are moved out of their friend group. Their placement with younger students is a constant reminder of their failure and source of social embarrassment. Retained students are subject to frequent reminding that they are not good learners. Further, they typically receive little recognition for the learning they built in the prior year and typically are required to accept instruction on skills and knowledge they have already gained.
Research studies also document that grade retention increases the likelihood that students will drop out of school before graduation. In fact, double retention virtually guarantees it. Internationally renowned research analyst, John Hattie, has found that grade retention is one of a small group of educational practices that has a negative impact on student achievement.
Requiring students to attend summer school as an alternative to grade retention is popular among many educators. The belief, again, is that more time will equal more learning. Yet, a summer school experience that repeats what happened during the year and is viewed by the student as punishment has not been shown to be an effective solution. If fact, summer school is often presented to students as a consequence for not having worked hard enough during the year.
So, what is a better answer? A great place to start is to identify students who are struggling early and not wait to intervene until most of the year has passed. Rarely is the performance of students who are considered for retention a surprise. Typically, multiple opportunities were available throughout the year to provide support and intervention that would make retention unnecessary.
Of course, we need to understand why a student is not progressing and design experiences to counter what is blocking progress. The problem may be missing skills that can be filled in. The absence of a strong adult relationship or feeling of belonging may be getting in the way of learning. Maybe a significant traumatic experience has left the student reluctant to take learning risks and lead them to hide rather than engage. Or, it may be an issue or cause that has its roots outside of school and additional resources need to be engaged. Regardless of the specific cause or combination of causes, early intervention avoids most, if not all, of the negative effects of retention.
Meanwhile, the challenge of what to do now, with a limited amount of time remaining in the school year, endures. A crucial first step still is to gain an understanding of what is standing in the way of learning. If the barrier is social-emotional, more instruction is not likely to help the situation. If multiple foundational academic skills are missing, instruction based on age or grade level expectations may make the situation even worse.
Once we understand the nature of the problem, we can arrange for services and scaffolding supports to address key barriers and help the student to build structures to overcome them, whether social, emotional, academic, or something more. We know that intensive tutoring can be effective when targeted and responsive to learning needs. If learning barriers are more substantial, intensive intervention by a learning specialists may be the answer. If learning is blocked by social or emotional factors, we can design experiences and create opportunities for connections to address needs and build skills to sustain the student going forward.
Once learning barriers and problems have been identified and an intervention plan is designed and implemented, we can develop short term and intermediate goals and progress markers with and for the student. We need to be certain that the intervention is working, and any needed adjustments are made in a timely manner.
Of course, these steps likely will require more time than remains in the current year. We need to arrange for consistent monitoring and ongoing support as the student transitions into a new year. We must be vigilant to ensure that support remains in place and progress is not lost.

Nine Reminders to Help Students Counter Academic Stress
The press to have students catch up in their learning is a current source of stress for many students. They also feel our stress to have them progress at a rate that puts them back on track. The pressure can feel even greater if major exams and graduation are coming into view.
Meanwhile, life at school is still not what students were accustomed to prior to the pandemic. This has been a year of unpredictability, disruption, and distractions. At the same time, many students are facing stress in other areas of their lives. Uncertainty about the future can add to the “weight” they feel.
Of course, we know that some level of stress can help students focus their energy and do their best work. However, when stress becomes intense and extended, it can have a negative effect on learning and mental and physical health. For many students, the latter state has been their experience for too long.
For some students, the intensity and longevity of the stress they are experiencing means they need more intensive assistance to understand and manage the stress they are experiencing. When we suspect this is the case, we need to connect these students with a school counselor or other professional who can help them. For students who are feeling stressed but just need strategies and reminders to keep them moving forward, there are several ideas we can offer. Here are eight suggestions you can share.
First, students can transform a long list of obligations and expectations into a more manageable form by creating a “to do” list. This time-tested strategy works as well today as it did generations ago. Students can start by listing the tasks they need to complete, assigning priorities and timelines, and focusing on those tasks that may be most urgent and important to their progress.
Second, students can make the best use of their time and energy by creating a schedule for each day and week. Deciding how to use time rather than allowing time to pass uncaptured can make a big difference. Seeing what can be accomplished with the time available can provide a sense of control and confidence that can be lost in the face of anxiety and worry.
Third, students can avoid falling farther behind and adding to their stress by focusing on the moment. Physical presence is important, but mental presence – listening, focusing, and reflecting – helps to process current content and move learning forward. Spending learning time contemplating other obligations and stressors will likely add to the stress students already feel.
Fourth, students can consider breaking projects and tasks into manageable segments and creating incentives for reaching key milestones, such as finishing the reading of a chapter or completing a written assignment. Celebrating even small accomplishments can provide a sense of control and release endorphins that can generate additional momentum.
Fifth, students who habitually over commit can lessen their stress by setting realistic expectations. Not everything will be perfect. Some mistakes and setbacks may occur. Taking a realistic view of what is possible and doable can help students let go of what may be adding stress but is beyond reach under current circumstances.
Sixth, students can counter stress by engaging in regular exercise. As little as 30 minutes of exercise can contribute to a sense of well-being, improve the quality of sleep, and reduce feelings of anxiety.
Seventh, students can balance their academic focus by enjoying some “down time.” Mental breaks can be reenergizing and lead to more effectiveness and efficiency when students return their attention to schoolwork. Rest and socialization can be powerful counterbalances to exhaustion and burnout.
Eighth, students can push back feelings of stress by practicing good sleeping habits. Getting plenty of sleep time is important, but the quality of sleep also matters. Students should avoid doing schoolwork in bed, if possible. The quality of sleep can be enhanced by avoiding activities that involve screen time just before going to sleep. If falling asleep is a challenge, students can practice relaxation techniques such as tensing and then relaxing muscles throughout their body.
Ninth, when students feel especially anxious or stressed when performing academic tasks, they can often find relief by practicing deep breathing. Just expelling air can help to calm panic and relieve momentary stress. Similarly, brief meditation and mindfulness activities can help to clear the mind and refocus attention.
Obviously, we want our students to be able manage the stress they encounter. Stress will likely be with them in some form throughout their lives. The better able they are to manage their stress, the more success they can achieve.
Of course, we, too, are facing significant stress in our work and lives. The same strategies we share with our students can also be a part of our stress management routine.