We may not always feel as though we have much influence on what is happening around us. The impact of our efforts is not always immediately apparent. We may occasionally feel more like the object of others’ influence rather than the source of influence in our environment.
Yet, when we reflect, it becomes obvious that we have multiple areas of potential influence available, if we choose to claim them. Some areas of influence may have a reach that includes the entire system. Others may intensely influence one or a small group of students. Regardless, the extent and impact of our influence are heavily dependent on our awareness of how and where we can make an impact, and our willingness to invest. Let’s explore four of these areas of influence, how we can make a positive difference, and how we can more fully appreciate our impact.
System Influence
We might think that participating in committees and work groups at the school and school district level should not be a high priority for our time. Yet, decisions made at the level of the organization and school often create conditions that can benefit or disadvantage the work we do. Decisions about curriculum, schedules, supervision and evaluation protocols and other system level activities often include opportunities for input. We can use our experience and expertise through these opportunities to influence the context within which we work and even the tools and materials provided. The philosophy and approach presented in instructional and supplemental materials can have a profound impact on our work with students. The purposes and processes underlying activities such as supervision, professional responsibilities, and professional learning can make a significant difference in the levels of success and satisfaction we experience.
Instruction Influence
Each week we design and plan activities for students to stimulate, engage, and extend their learning. The richness, depth, and variety of these activities will, in large part, determine the learning experiences of our students. This level of influence holds the greatest potential to determine learning outcomes and build learning skills. However, our potential influence goes beyond whether students meet the content standards and skill expectations of our lessons. While unit tests and standardized assessments may focus on whether academic content and skills were developed, our long term and most importance influence will be determined by whether we nurture the skills and motivation within our students to become learners for life. Our students benefit little if they master the curriculum, but lose their sense of wonder, curiosity, and commitment to continue to learn.
Relational Influence
Our commitment to develop relationships with students and colleagues is crucial to the informal influence we possess. When we form strong relationships with students, we nurture in them a sense of belonging and being valued. We also open the door to influencing the ways in which they respond to our expectations and instruction. Students who may not naturally be drawn to the content we teach can change their perspective for no reason other than the relationship they have with us. Our relationships with students represent a crucial element of the context within which they experience learning. Our relationships with colleagues also offer important opportunities to influence. The values we live, the priorities we establish, and the commitment we demonstrate to our professional work and students can offer powerful modeling for colleagues. Our willingness to collaborate and share our expertise and insights can make a pervasive difference in how colleagues view their work and the confidence they have in their ability to be successful.
Advocacy Influence
Our ability to advocate may be the area of influence that is least appreciated, but in some ways is the most powerful of all. Many students already have natural advocates. They may be successful learners. They may have strong, positive relationships with staff and other students. They may participate in activities and win awards. However, there are also students within our schools who have few, if any, advocates. Unfortunately, these are often students who need someone willing pay attention to their needs the most. These are students who may seem invisible. They may be students who act out and are quick to push back on authority. They may be students who are living troubled lives outside of school and find it difficult to connect with life in school. When we choose to listen, understand, and accept these students we can have a powerful, lifelong influence. We may be the one person in their lives who pays attention to how they see the world. We may be the only adult to stand up for them when they need someone in their corner. Our willingness to care and be an advocate may change the direct and trajectory of these students’ lives. An act that might be taken for granted by students who are doing well in school can be a highly prized gift to the student who doesn’t have others like us in their lives.
It’s important for us remember that every time we make a comment, take a step to assist, or “lift up” someone around us, we are having an influence. Our impact is not always readily apparent. Years may pass before we become aware of our influence. We may never learn of some ways we have influenced others. What is most important is that we understand and appreciate the difference we can and do make every day—and be grateful for the opportunity.

Enlist the Most Powerful Influence on Learning
Who has the greatest influence on whether students will learn? Some say it is the teacher. This statement recognizes the powerful impact educators can have on the conditions, direction, and focus of learning. Teachers bring knowledge, experience, and strategies crucial to learning. Teachers create the environment, design activities, monitor progress, provide feedback, and offer many other supports for learning.
However, close examination reveals that it is not accurate to say that teachers have the greatest influence on learning in the classroom. It is learners who hold the most powerful influence. They choose whether learning will occur. A simple test of this premise can be made by considering who must be present for learning to happen. If learners are not present in the classroom, learning cannot occur. If the teacher is not present, learners may still choose to learn. Although, the learning may be less intentional, less focused, and even lead in undesirable directions.
To be clear, this is not an argument intended to discount the influence and status of teachers in this crucial process. Rather, it recognizes that learning is an autonomous act. It is intentional and self-constructed. It is a personal process. As educators, we can have significant influence on students’ choices to learn and provide crucial guidance and support to the process, but learning is the work of students. We might say that while learners are the most important resource for learning, teachers can be the most powerful stimulators of learning.
We know that learning begins with what students know and are ready to learn. Learning grows when students make connections and integrate new understanding with past knowledge and experience. Learning tends to stick best when it is driven by purpose and students understand the usefulness of what they are learning.
Unfortunately, the traditional approach to formal learning has been to develop curriculum, plan lessons, and present instruction based on what we believe students should know and be ready to learn, rather than what students are ready to learn. The system often features pacing guides based on the assumption that learners will learn at a predetermined rate. Meanwhile, instruction is often delivered to groups of students with varied states of readiness. Some may already know what is being presented. Others may not have the background knowledge and skills to benefit fully. Still others may be ready to engage and learn from the experience. This is a serious system design problem with which educators constantly struggle as they attempt to engage and support the learning of individual students.
So, how can we activate this too often underutilized classroom resource? How can we significantly increase the level of learning and ensure that a much larger portion of students learn at high levels? We can start by rethinking the traditional approach that is driven almost exclusively by instruction and prioritize learning as the core and driving activity. This shift invites us to ask a new set of questions and consider learning conditions that will activate students as key influencers of their learning:
- Rather than starting by asking what I am ready to teach, we can ask what our learners are ready to learn.
- Rather than focusing on whether students are complying with our directions, we can ask whether we are building their commitment and capacity to learn.
- Rather than expecting all students to progress at the same learning rate, we can design approaches that respond to student readiness to learn and their optimal pace for doing so.
- Rather than expecting students to depend on predetermined paths for learning, we can nurture in students the skills and inclination to become increasingly independent learners.

Flexible Classroom Space and Learning: What Is the Connection?
Redesigning classroom space, purchasing comfortable furniture, and giving students more freedom to choose where they will learn are popular trends. Educators hope to create more inviting learning environments and reduce student anxiety and stress while learning. The objectives are laudable, but these types of changes in classroom setup by themselves will likely fall short of generating better learning outcomes. In some cases, they have also been shown to make learning more difficult for students who need more structure and routine to support their learning.
In fact, there is little evidence that changing seating arrangements and replacing furniture will change learning outcomes in any significant and sustainable way. This is not to say that structure and space are not important. They can be, but only if they are aligned to and support experiences and processes that have greater power to influence learning outcomes.
The truth is that we cannot change learning outcomes unless we change learning experiences. Learning experiences include how students engage with content, are introduced to new skills, and the role students play in the learning process. When students experience learning that is focused on their needs, are supported to build learning independence and agency, and feel a sense of belonging to and shared responsibility in a learning community, a flexible learning environment can supplement their learning experience. On the other hand, if students continue to experience a traditional, standardized, instruction-driven learning environment, flexibility in structure and space will likely have little positive impact. In fact, students who feel little ownership for their learning environment are more likely to misuse and abuse the freedom and responsibility they are offered.
So, how should we think about the role of structure and space if our goal is to maximize learning outcomes? First, we need to be clear about the learning experiences we want our students to have. Do we want them to experience greater ownership and take more responsibility for their learning? Do we want students to develop greater independence? If so, we need to design learning experiences that lead to these outcomes. Giving students choice and voice, having students set goals for their learning, supporting students to participate in learning assessment activities, and building community are great places to start.
Second, we need to determine the optimal context for instructional strategies and learning experiences to flourish. Sitting in desks that are arranged in straight rows facing the teacher can work against efforts to collaborate, develop community, and take ownership for learning. Conversely, if learning is expected to be driven primarily by structured presentations and teacher led activities, desks in rows facing the front might be an appropriate arrangement.
Third, we need to consider how the space will be used. Will students have a variety of choices in where to sit and how to learn? If so, the space and furniture should reflect the learning design, with multiple seating options, varying table heights, etc. Of course, the process of developing responsibility and independence in learning may require instruction, coaching, feedback, and guidance so that students take appropriate advantage of the spaces designed to support their learning experiences.
The bottom line is that designing space and deciding what furniture to purchase is not the best place to begin. A better starting point is to ask what learning experiences we want students to have and what learning outcomes we want to pursue. Further, we need to be clear about how the approach we choose will lead to the learning outcomes we seek. Once these decisions are made, we can ask what furniture and how more flexible space will support the learning environment we want to create.
A final thought: The purchase of a full complement of classroom furniture to create flexible space may not always be necessary. Often, pieces of existing furniture can be repurposed. Three-shelf bookcases can double as high-top workspaces. No longer used choir risers can serve as small group seminar spaces. Even a corner of the room, when separated by a visual barrier, can become a “reading cave,” or “reflection zone.” Use your imagination and scour the school storeroom. You may be surprised by what you discover.

Four Connections We Need to Make With Every Student
Our goal every day, every week, and every year with every student is to reach and teach them. We study the curriculum, familiarize ourselves with the standards, plan lessons, and develop assessments all with the intention that students will respond, invest, and learn.
These efforts are worthy. They address aspects of instruction and learning that are measured and for which we are accountable. They represent the knowledge and skills we developed in our preparation programs and often are the focus of professional development activities.
Yet, a focus on lessons, teaching, and assessment represents an incomplete picture of the work we do. If we hope to engage learners deeply, challenge them fully, and remove limits on their learning growth, students need to experience more than our instruction.
The truth is that reaching and teaching every student requires attention and commitment. We need to connect with students in ways that lead to deeper understanding of who the student is, what their hopes are, and what will open their hearts and minds to learning.
It can be helpful to think about this more human aspect of our work as having four key dimensions. We might even think about them as central to forming powerful relationships, nurturing trust, and building readiness for learning.
#1. Every student offers a lesson: We need to learn it.
While we prepare lessons for our students to learn, they also offer lessons from which we can learn. Sometimes the lesson is about how to break down and teach a particular skill. The lesson may be about the importance of compassion and patience. It might be about how a student we thought was not capable just needed a different explanation. It could even be that when a student understood that we believed in them and their capacity to succeed, they responded in surprisingly positive ways. The number of potential lessons students can teach us is limitless. The key is to pay attention, reflect, and apply what we learn.
#2. Every student has a story: We need to hear it.
Today more than ever our students come to us from varied backgrounds and with a wide array of experiences. We might make assumptions about who a student is based on socio-economic status, race, family circumstances, and a variety of other factors. However, every student has a unique story that heavily influences who they are. A student from a middle-class family may be subject to abuse or neglect. A student from a family that struggles to make financial ends meet may have a loving, stable, supportive home life. We cannot really know our students until we know their story. Importantly, the stories reflect the perceptions and perspectives of the student, not necessarily their literal life experiences. If we don’t really know our students, we will always be limited in what we can teach them.
#3. Every student possesses a gift: We need to find it.
It can be a challenge to believe that some students have a gift or special talent. They may not show a particular strength or ability. Yet, residing inside of them may be a spectacular gift. It may not relate directly to academic learning. It may even manifest itself in unacceptable behavior. Nevertheless, the key is to look for the gift each student possesses. When we find it, we can encourage, coach, and develop it in ways that benefit the student. Even if we never really find the special talent a student has, the search can result in the student beginning to believe that they have a talent worth discovering and developing. When we see ourselves as talent scouts and searchers for special gifts and students feel our interest and confidence, they will find it difficult to resist searching too.
#4. Every student holds a dream: We need to embrace it.
We may not think that every student has a dream, but they do. It may be grand and unrealistic. Or, it may be as small as having a consistent place to sleep, or a family on whom they can depend. The dreams our students have may not be the dreams we would choose for them, but their dreams are not ours to choose. What is important is that we take the time to listen and accept their dream, even if it is the dream of the week. When we know and support the dreams students hold, we have special access to what is important to them. We can also connect what we are asking them to learn with what they find relevant and purposeful. Of course, over time, we may be able to influence the dreams students hold. We may be able to help them see a bigger picture and to dream higher. However, we should never diminish or undermine the dreams students hold. We cannot know whether the dream they hold may someday become reality.
The role of an educator can be stressful and even discouraging at times. Yet, we have amazing opportunities to support and develop young lives in ways that will last a lifetime. We just need to learn the lessons they can teach us, hear the stories they can tell us, see the gifts they can show us, and embrace the dreams that give them hope and purpose.

A More Accurate Indicator of School Performance
As a nation, we are preoccupied with test scores: maybe even consumed by them. We use test scores to rate and rank schools. We track test score trends to see if schools are improving, staying flat, or in decline. We use test scores to market schools. We even use test scores to shame schools that appear not to be measuring up. But what if we are monitoring the wrong indicator, or at least not the best measure of school quality and performance?
We know that there is a high correlation between test scores and the socio-economic status of students’ families. This correlation has consistently fed the perception that families with financial means choose or demand schools that are effective and the best schools serve middle and upper-middle-class families. On the surface, the connection seems obvious.
However, two recent studies call this perception into question. The first study, conducted at Stanford University, looked beyond test scores to measure school effectiveness. The research focused on the learning growth demonstrated by students over a period of years. The study included achievement data for students in grades three through eight from 11,000 school districts.
The research concluded that despite where students started on the performance continuum relative to other students, their academic growth over time was not predicted by their third-grade scores. In fact, students in many schools and school districts in high poverty areas demonstrated more growth than their counterparts in wealthier neighborhoods and communities. Yet, their growth was not necessarily reflected in the highest test scores.
While early childhood and initial elementary grade performance is heavily influenced by community socio-economic-related factors, such as income and family education levels, growth between third and eighth grade appears to have minimal relationship to these factors. The perception that students in poverty are not capable of learning at a rate comparable to more economically advantaged students appears not to be accurate.
A second study conducted by St. Louis University earlier this year found similar patterns in schools in the St. Louis metro area. In multiple schools with high concentrations of families in poverty, students demonstrated growth that in many cases exceeded learning growth in schools that served students from more economically advantaged families.
These and other studies call into question the wisdom of relying on test scores as the sole or even primary measure of school effectiveness and quality. In fact, some schools with higher test scores may be generating lower learning growth trajectories than schools with lower test scores.
So, what should educators, parents, and communities take from these findings? First, we need to focus on learning growth data rather than rely solely on current test scores as proof of effectiveness. We cannot determine what happens in the lives of students before they reach us, but we can focus our attention and efforts on ensuring that they are making progress each day, week, and year.
Second, we need to coach students to focus on their learning growth. When students see their progress and understand their power to determine their progress, we can help them to counter the confidence-sapping impact of comparisons with other students who may be at different points on the academic performance continuum. Of course, over time learning growth will also translate into better test scores.
Third, we need to advocate for accountability systems that consider the trajectory of student learning and not solely reflect the advantages that families and communities provide before students start formal education. If we want to make responsible comparisons of school performance, learning growth must be given at least equal status to test scores.
The bottom line: We should not continue to ignore the importance of learning growth as we consider the performance of schools. Test scores have a role to play, but the extent to which socio-economic status correlates with and in many cases accounts for performance on standardized assessments must also inform any judgements we make about how well schools are performing.

How Multitasking Undermines Learning
The ready presence of technology and the fast pace of life can make multitasking seem like an efficient way to accomplish the tasks and meet the expectations of life. Yet, multiple research studies have shown that multitasking isn’t really what we do. In fact, we are task switching. Unfortunately, with each task switch we become incrementally less efficient and more prone to make mistakes.
Task switching is particularly harmful to learning. Learning, especially when a concept or skill is complex and challenging, requires sustained focus and concentration. Meanwhile, today’s media-related technology often presents strong competition for the attention of students while engaging in learning acquisition and reinforcement activities. To be clear, passive use of technology such as music in the background does not necessarily interfere with concentration. However, active technology such as texting, posting, and monitoring posts can create significant focus and concentration challenges.
Of course, students may argue that their generation is better able to handle technology related multitasking than their parents’ generation because they have grown up with technology. Certainly, today’s students have been exposed to technology at an earlier age than most adults, but research calls the assertion into question.
A study published in Computers and Human Behavior found that student participants studying while non-learning related technology was present averaged only six minutes of focused study before switching to social media, texting, and other technology associated activities unrelated to their academic task. Yet, we know that the longer students remain focused and engaged during study sessions and other learning activities, the more likely they are to absorb and retain what they are learning.
The most effective strategy for students to counter the tendency for technology-related task switching is to limit or eliminate immediate access to unrelated devices and applications while learning. Reducing the temptation and ease of engaging in task switching can help.
When elimination of non-learning related technology is not possible or practical, we can coach students to schedule periodic “technology breaks” to engage in social media, texting, etc. Committing to focus for a specific length of time followed by a rewarding break can help students to build their attention span and disciplined focus. This approach can also give students opportunities to practice executive functioning activities such as self-discipline and delayed gratification.
In addition, we can coach students to employ conscious study strategies, such as self-quizzes and building concept maps, to increase their focus and concentration and remain on task for longer periods of time. When students focus on what and how they are studying they are better able to resist temptations and avoid becoming distracted by other activities.
Further, we can teach students metacognition strategies such as being conscious of how well they are focusing and how deeply they are concentrating. Metacognitive strategies can be especially helpful to increasing student awareness of the effectiveness of their learning strategies.
Admittedly, learning to resist task switching is no small challenge in today’s world. Yet, if we can help our students to develop effective strategies and skills to overcome the temptation to task switch, we will have given them a valuable, success supporting, lifelong gift.
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Six Keys to Getting Students to Do Their Best Work
We know that the best learning happens when students give their best effort. Casual approaches to learning tasks often lead to products that may be passable, but not notable. When we recall our own learning and what we value most, we probably recall taking the learning challenge or task seriously, feeling confident but not complacent, and experiencing support to give our best effort.
We want to create these same conditions for our learners. We want them to give their best effort and produce their best work. Of course, some students always seem to give their best effort. Other students give extra effort sometimes, but not always. And still others can do better work than they typically produce but fail to do so.
So, how can we create conditions and position learning tasks and challenges so that students give their best effort and do their best work? Let’s explore six keys we can employ that have been shown to make a significant difference in the quality of work that students produce.
First, we can give students purposeful work. Of course, students need to see the work as purposeful. It is not enough for us to think it should be worthy. Purposeful work taps what students value and see as worth pursuing. Some students will respond to grades as their purpose. Unfortunately, when grades are the only reason for learning, learning retention is often short.
Second, we can allow students to play a meaningful role in defining a quality work product. We can engage students in discussions about what qualities and characteristics need to be present in quality products. We can share exemplars with students and have them analyze dimensions that represent quality and what might fall short. We can even formalize this process by building rubrics and scoring guides.
Third, we can engage student curiosity and unleash their persistence. Presenting open-ended questions for students to consider as they plan and prepare can offer unique work paths that students imagine and create. Meanwhile, we can coach students to see that excellence is rarely the result of a first or single attempt. Reflection, iteration, and practice move performance from good to excellent.
Fourth, we can provide focused, timely, thoughtful feedback. When we frame feedback as observations rather than judgements, we invite collaboration rather than resistance. When we position feedback as a conversation, not a presentation, we stimulate an exchange of information and perspectives rather than an argument. Feedback becomes more attractive when students experience it as “food for thought” rather than the “final word.”
Fifth, we can assure students of our confidence in their ability to succeed. Our relationships with students carry significant weight in how students perceive the likelihood of their success. Our belief in the capacity of our students is a crucial element in building their confidence to do high quality work. Of course, our expectations carry maximum weight when they are clear, realistic, and authentic.
Sixth, we can arrange an audience for the work that matters. When students care about the opinions of the audience of their work, they are more likely to give their best efforts. Sometimes peers can play this role. At other times, students will “give each other a pass” and will not represent a strong motivator for quality. Teachers, parents, and community members can often play this role effectively. Also, writing for a publication and performing for a video recording and posting can be influential. The key is for the audience to be important, but not so high stakes as to lead to action paralysis or emotional meltdown.
We may not be able to get every student do their best work every day. However, the more we can position and inspire students to do their best work, the more they will learn. Further, the more often students strive to do their best work, the more they develop skills and habits associated with high performance. Remember: Success in life often resides in moving good work to excellent.

The Danger of Another Cycle of Learning Loss
The term “learning loss” has been applied in a variety of contexts and used to describe multiple circumstances over the past months. However, the only accurate application of the term is in reference to pre-pandemic academic learning that was not reviewed, reinforced, and practiced to keep it fresh and retrievable. Of course, the loss does not have to be permanent. Past learning can be rebuilt with attention, practice, and application. Unfortunately, the time and effort necessary to restore previous learning presents an opportunity cost for new learning. Consequently, learning loss is something we want to avoid.
Sadly, we may be at risk of unintentionally creating yet another cycle of important learning loss. The learning at risk occurred in the context of the challenges and opportunities students experienced when face-to-face instruction was disrupted, and learning shifted to hybrid and virtual environments.
Our students absorbed many important lessons about learning and life over the past months. Yet, in a quest to return to normal we may be neglecting to review, reinforce, and support students to practice and build on some of this crucial learning.
Consider that as students were asked to learn at home they figured out how to use technology for more than practice and reinforcement. Technology became a crucial support for connecting, discovering, and creating experiences and knitting them into learning. Technology shifted from a “nice to have” to a crucial learning tool. How are students experiencing technology in their learning now? Are we building on what students have learned, or have we retreated to more traditional instructional practices?
The pandemic learning environment challenged students to become more independent and practice self-discipline. No longer was behavior monitored minute by minute. Progress became a more important measure of learning than the amount of time spent doing in-class activities. Failure to focus and giving in to distractions no longer carried an immediate reminder from the teacher. How are we supporting students to practice learning independence now? How are we giving students opportunities and challenges to reinforce self-discipline habits and decision-making skills?
No longer was the classroom teacher the only source of instruction and learning support. In fact, students often had many teachers, including siblings, parents, peers, online resources, and others. Learning was supported by multiple sources and included varied perspectives. If one strategy or approach did not work, students learned to turn to others for additional ideas and other sources of experience. How are we supporting students to seek out and benefit from instruction beyond our own and learn from insights and experiences that are not presented via professionally prepared lessons?
Learning in virtual and hybrid environments reduced the separation between academic learning and life. Boundaries between formal learning time and the rest of the day often blurred. Some learners discovered that strategies on which they relied for out-of-school learning also were effective for academic learning. Figuring out when to separate formal learning and when to blend learning with other activities was an important lesson, potentially with lifelong implications. How are we supporting students to integrate academic learning and life now? What are we doing to help students find a healthy and sustainable balance between formal learning and other life activities?
Of course, living and learning during the pandemic taught the importance of connecting, supporting, and taking care of each other. The pandemic was experienced as a common challenge and invited a shared response to a shared threat. Competition often faded into the background with the realization that “we are all in this together.” Supporting each other was important for everyone’s well-being. Are we nurturing an environment of caring and support with our students? Are we coaching students to support, collaborate, and share as they are learning? How are we helping students to keep competition in perspective and respond to it in a healthy manner?
It is true that some aspects of academic learning may not have been regularly and robustly reinforced during the pandemic and were temporarily lost. However, with review, practice, and meaningful application most if not all of that learning can be recovered. The good news is that the same is true for the learning and life skills gained during the pandemic. We can review, reinforce, and build on these skills and avoid having them become lost learning. When we do, we not only communicate recognition and respect for their learning, we also build on skills that will serve our students for life.

Ten Strategies for Helping Students Fight Fear of Failure
Fear absorbs tremendous mental bandwidth. Fear squeezes out energy to think about anything else. When we are fearful, we are less likely to take risks, we are less able to make decisions, and we are less likely to learn.
Fear of failure in schools can be a driver of student anxiety, worry, and depression. For some students, fear of failure drives them to “play the game of school” that holds little meaning for and even less value to them. For others, fear of failure leads to the choice to focus elsewhere in life and discount the importance of learning in school and the significance of failure. Still others bounce between worrying about failure and lowering expectations relative to their chances for success.
Yet, we know that missteps, setbacks, and even failure are important to the learning process. Failure can carry valuable information and the opportunity to learn. Failure gives a reason to examine, reflect, and adjust. Our students cannot completely embrace success unless they conquer their fear of failure.
Fortunately, there is much we can do to help students meet the challenge of overcoming their fears about failure. Here are ten strategies we can tap; five are things we can do, and five are areas in which we can coach students to think and act.
What we can do:
- Focus on learning over grades. Learning invites and values mistakes and setbacks. Grades too often punish them.
- Model how to deal effectively with mistakes and errors. When we misstep or misspeak, we need to avoid minimizing, denying, and making excuses. When we do not know an answer, we can take time to reflect, understand, and learn.
- Create strong positive relationships with students. Relationships build influence. When we are confident in the potential of students, they become more confident. If we value academic tasks, students are more likely to value them, too.
- Nurture an environment of safety, respect, and reflection. Mistakes are less scary if blame, shame, and criticism are not present. Treating failure as an opportunity to discover and learn can be a powerful lesson.
- Focus feedback on effort and strategy over ability and performance. Our attention and words can help students to focus on effective processes. When something does not work on a first attempt, focus on the strategy and type of effort, not ability.
- Become aware of mounting fear and its symptoms. Coach students to use countering strategies such as breathing, stretching, and relaxation techniques.
- Accept and honor mistakes as a crucial part of academic learning. Remind students of other areas of life where mistakes are accepted as part of the learning and skill-building process.
- Plan and prepare. Fear usually dissipates with action. Practicing strategies and completing tasks can generate confidence and counter anxiety. They also reduce the likelihood of failure.
- Set and focus on a goal. Goals can squeeze out distractions and make mistakes less of a concern.
- Develop and take pride in resilience. What happens is less important than the choice in how to respond. There is always a choice.

Five Telltale Signs of Real Learning
When we think about learning, especially learning in schools, we often equate speed and ease as indicators of good learners and good learning. At times, we even use speed as a proxy for learning ability. We talk about “fast learners” as good learners and “slow learners” as weak learners.
Yet how quickly we recall information or perform a task is not necessarily an indicator of learning. It may be that we have already encountered facts or have experiences close enough to the learning task that we can extrapolate from current knowledge and practice skills closely related to what we already know. It is also true that for some people immediate recall comes easily, but they are not necessarily able to retain what they learn.
Conversely, learners who need additional time to learn are not necessarily weak learners. It may be that they just need more time to assimilate and integrate new content and skills before they can be confident. Meanwhile, they may retain what they learn longer and be able to use their learning more effectively.
Clearly, speed is not necessarily the best indicator of real learning, especially when learning new content and developing new skills. Ease of learning is also not always the best indicator of learning that will stick and serve for the long term.
The fact is that when we and our students are learning in areas that are not already familiar to us, that challenge us, and force us to focus, many traditional behaviors that we try to avoid are signs that real, significant learning is occurring. Rather than seek to avoid the feelings and symptoms of struggle, we need to celebrate the process and progress in which we are engaged. Let’s explore five of these symptoms or telltale signs of real learning.
First, when we find that we must slow our learning pace and focus our attention, we accept that we are encountering content or a challenge that goes beyond our past knowledge and existing skills. We are in the process of building beyond what we already know and can do. When students face the need to slow down, we can reinforce for them the promise their focus and attention can offer in new learning success.
Second, when we struggle and feel stuck we can reassure ourselves that what we are facing truly is new learning. Our struggle is an invitation to find new strategies, redouble our efforts, and identify resources around us that can support our progress. Times when we feel stuck often come just before significant breakthroughs. We can remind ourselves and reassure our students that when we struggle we make real learning more likely.
Third, as much as we often try to avoid them, mistakes can be indicators that we are engaged in real learning. Missteps and setbacks are natural parts of the learning process. If we make no mistakes and find the learning process to be easy, we may not be adding to our learning. We may just be reinforcing much of what we already know. We need to reassure ourselves and our students that mistakes are not evidence of poor learning. Rather, they are signs that we are building our knowledge and expanding our skills in new areas.
Fourth, when we engage in learning that leads us into new areas we can become uncertain about things that we used to take for granted. Learning often leads us to discover new perspectives, uncover new facts, and question long-held assumptions. Similarly, we can help our students to be comfortable questioning, inquiring, and challenging their thinking as they are exposed to a wider, more complex world than they may have assumed.
Fifth, real learning can lead us to change our mind. Beyond becoming less certain about what we believed and assumed in the past, real learning can lead us to recalibrate beliefs, abandon old assumptions, and adopt new perspectives and positions relative to our lives and work. One of the greatest gifts we can give to our students is the experience of learning that leads to new insights, new understandings, and new perspectives. Often this experience will ignite curiosity and instill a passion for learning that will last a lifetime.
New learning is often not comfortable. It is not always easy. Yet, it is the struggle, the mistakes, the uncertainty, and changes in the ways we see and engage in life that make the journey worthwhile.